ANS Infested Waters in North Dakota
Plants (Class 2)
Curlyleaf Pondweed
Confirmed Presence
- Lake Audubon - McLean County
- Lake Ashtabula - Barnes County
- Lake Elsie - Richland County
- Lake Metigoshe - Bottineau County
- Lake Oahe - Emmons and Morton counties
- Lake Sakakawea - Dunn, McKenzie, McLean, Mercer, Mountrail, and Williams counties
- McClusky Canal - McLean County
- McDowell Dam - Burleigh County
- Missouri River - Burleigh, Emmons, McLean, Mercer, Morton and Oliver counties
- Raleigh Reservoir - Grant County
- Sheyenne River - Barnes County
Eurasian Watermilfoil
Flowering Rush
Fish (Class 3)
Bivalves (Class 1)
Zebra Mussel

Confirmed Presence
- Lake Ashtabula - Barnes County
- Lake Elsie - Richland County
- Lake LaMoure and the James River - Dickey County
- North Golden Lake - Steele County
- South Golden Lake - Steele County
- Red River - entire length of the Red River including tributaries upstream to the first vehicular bridge or crossing
- Ryan Pond - Grand Forks County
- Sheyenne River – entire length starting at Baldhill Dam in Barnes County, downstream to the Red River including tributaries upstream to the first vehicular bridge or crossing.
- Twin Lake - LaMoure County
Nearby Presence
- Lake Oahe - Confirmed near Oahe Dam in South Dakota. There have been no detections in North Dakota or near the state line.