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Behind the Badge

Headlights on a dark road

The Decoy

Sometimes reports of poaching incidents are short on details, making it a challenge to find the perpetrators. Read about one such case in this week's Behind the Badge by warden Zane Manhart.

Silhouette of bow hunter

The Less-Than-Stellar Neighbor

Some poachers are so indolent they can't even be bothered to drive out into the wilds to commit their crimes. Read one such story in this week's Behind the Badge by warden Sam Feldmann.

Teach and Govin

The Tewaukon Hunt

Deer gun season can be a very busy, stressful time for game wardens, but it can also provide very rewarding experiences. Read more in this week's Behind the Badge by warden Andrew Dahlgren.

Contact a Warden

Report All Poachers: 701-328-9921

Statistics graph

Annual Reports

Each February in the North Dakota Outdoors magazine, the Department publishes a summary of violations and enforcement activities for the preceding year. Those reports are available online below.

Game warden near boat

Enforcement Careers

A career as a game warden can be both challenging and highly rewarding. This career is ideal for many self-motivated individuals who enjoy working with the public and have a knowledge of and appreciation for natural resources.