Recreational Boating Accident Report Form
Use the Recreational Boating Accident Report form for reporting boating accidents involving injury, death or disappearance of a person, or accidents resulting in property damage exceeding $2,000.
Print Form
Print and fill out the form below.
Fillable Option
To use the fillable form, you will need to have Acrobat Reader (free) or other compatible software on your computer.
NOTE: Due to the XFA format of the USGS PDF form and differences in how browsers handle downloads, option one below may not work for all.
- Click on the link below to automatically download the file to your device. You can then open it in Acrobat Reader to fill.
If your browser tries to open rather than download the file, you will see an error page. If that happens try option 2. - Open Acrobat Reader on your computer. Go to "File/Menu > Open" and paste the form URL into the "File name" field - https://gf.nd.gov/gnf/boating/docs/boating-accident-report-form.pdf. This should open a copy of the file which you can then save to your computer and fill out.