Public Shooting Ranges
The North Dakota Game and Fish Department manages five public shooting ranges on its wildlife management areas. These are generally open to the public year around. However, the Department may periodically close these shooting ranges for routine maintenance, improvements and special events. The current status of each range is listed below. Exercise extreme caution, especially when conditions warrant a change in the fire danger index.
Status | Range | Location |
Open | Lewis and Clark WMA | Six miles southwest of Williston |
Open | Little Heart (Schmidt) Bottoms | 12 miles south of Mandan off ND Highway 1806 |
Open | Skip Balzer Memorial Shooting Range (Maclean Bottoms) | Two miles south of ND Highway 1804, approximately 15 miles southeast of Bismarck |
Open | Riverdale WMA | Two miles southwest of Riverdale |
Open | Wilton Mine WMA | Two miles east of Wilton |
Notes | Please use extra caution. Obey all posted rules, including no tracer rounds, no exploding targets and only use paper targets on the rubber target stands. |
(Within the map, click on a range icon to see detailed information about that range).
Keeping these ranges open is the responsibility of all users. Please help educate and enforce the following rules for the safety of all. If you witness violations please call RAP at 800-472-2121.
Shooting Range Rules
- Range open from sunrise to sunset
- Tracer rounds or exploding targets prohibited
- Only paper or cardboard targets allowed
- All shooters must shoot from same firing line to designated target stands
- Ground level targets are prohibited to reduce ricochets and projectiles escaping the property
- Destroying targets posts or other property is prohibited
- Only handheld or shoulder fired guns allowed
- Fully automatic weapons including slide fire stocks prohibited
- .50 caliber or larger center fire rifles prohibited
- Alcohol prohibited on range
- Report all violations by calling 701-328-6604 or 701-328-9921
Gun Safety Guidelines
- Always keep muzzle pointed in safe direction
- Always keep finger off trigger until ready to shoot
- Always keep the action open and firearm unloaded until ready to use
- Do not handle firearms at the firing line while others are down range
- Know your target and what is beyond
- Know where others are at all times
- Be sure the gun is safe to operate
- Know how to use your gun safely
- Use only the correct ammunition for your gun
- Wear ear and eye protection
- Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting
Group Reservation Policy
Certain groups are eligible to request the exclusive use of Department shooting ranges for special events including conservation clubs holding youth shooting events and local law enforcement entities conducting qualifications. The typical reservation time does not exceed one half day. The following guidelines for issuing a special use permit will be followed to maximize public access.
- Special events/reservations will not be allowed from September 15- November 30.
- Groups are allowed a maximum of 2 reservations per calendar year
- Requests must be made at a minimum of two weeks prior to the scheduled event
- Requesting entity is responsible for picking up reservation signs from NDGF Main Office and posting at appropriate shooting range a minimum of 3 days prior to event
- Requesting entities must clean shooting range at the end of the event.
- The Department will allow only one closure period per shooting range each week
Note: Failure to follow guidelines and shooting range rules may affect the granting of future permits.
For Range Reservations call 701-328-6615.
Other North Dakota Shooting Facilities
Range Listing (compiled November 2018)