Shooting Ranges in North Dakota
Game and Fish Department officials understand the importance of safe places for people to practice with their firearms.
Properly sighted rifles and shot placement are, for example, important elements to safe, ethical and proficient hunting.
“People need places shoot, to hone their skills and become proficient marksmen and hunters,” said Marty Egeland, Department education supervisor. “It’s our interest at Game and Fish to do what we can to make sure people have somewhere to shoot.”
Greg Link, Department conservation and communications division chief, said locally accessible shooting ranges not only play an important role in recruiting new target shooters, but help fund the Department’s wildlife management, research and habitat improvement efforts through collection of Pittman-Robertson dollars derived from firearms and ammunition sales.

Game and Fish Department officials understand that people need safe places to shoot and improve their skills.
“It’s for these reasons the Department has persistently facilitated and funded the development of shooting ranges across the state,” Link said. “Although somewhat of a lofty and daunting goal, the Department would like to see a public shooting range within 45 minutes of every community in the state. Achieving an even distribution of ranges across our state, in communities large and small, is a formidable task, but one that the Department and cooperating organizations will continue to pursue.”
As the Department seeks opportunities to develop and upgrade ranges across the state, Link said Game and Fish officials often must consider the benefit to the highest number of the shooting public.
“This is a case of truly identifying the most bang for our buck,” he said. “Therefore, developing shooting ranges near our major urban areas is a definite priority.”
While all ranges come with obvious challenges, ranges in or around urban settings come with many more, including land in a safe location, amenable neighbors, and cooperating partnerships to help fund, manage and maintain the sites.
“Upkeep, safety, and security are significant hurdles that come with range operation,” Link said.
One such urban range is the Red River Regional Marksmanship Center in West Fargo, a complete indoor facility for handgun, rimfire rifle and air rifle target shooting. It also includes the state’s only 100-meter underground range to accommodate centerfire rifles. “We could not have done anything close to this without the Game and Fish shooting range grants,” said Ward Gillett, president of the RRRMC board.
Gillett agreed with Link’s assessment about the hurdles of range operation, noting that RRRMC has a little over 100 volunteers on its roster, with 60 to 70 who put in time in any given month.

Greg Grove, certified range officer at Red River Regional Marksmanship Center in West Fargo.
Both Bismarck and Minot also have indoor ranges that were supported by Game and Fish grant dollars.
The Game and Fish Department manages five public shooting ranges on wildlife management areas. But if you look at the bigger picture, there are dozens of shooting facilities – some are public, some are members only – found around the state.
Egeland said Game and Fish has for years provided grant funds to wildlife clubs and others to make improvements at their shooting facilities. These federal funds, which require a 25 percent match, total $80,000 annually.
“Every year we have more requests than we do money,” he said. “Clubs are using the grants for new shooting benches, berms, concrete sidewalks, building improvements, those sorts of things.”
Egeland said those clubs that accept funding to make improvements are required to offer access to the public.
Egeland said the shooting facilities found around the state help to satisfy a growing interest in recreational shooting.

A shooter sights in his rifle at the Lewis and Clark WMA range southwest of Williston.
“Not everyone who goes to their local range and works through a box of ammunition hunts wild game and that’s OK,” he said. “Even so, shooting at your local range is complementary to hunting … it’s a recreational event that has ties to the outdoors.”
While it’s difficult to assess the overall growth in shooting sports in North Dakota, Egeland said an example of increased interest is seen in the North Dakota State High School Clay Target League.
In 2017, about 900 students from 38 teams participated in the league. In 2018, those numbers grew to 49 schools and about 1,400 students.
Lawmakers in the 2017 legislative session gave the Game and Fish Department authorization to spend up to $250,000 on youth shooting sports, and currently those funds are being used for infrastructure needs at trap clubs affiliated with the clay target league.
“Some of the kids who participate are hunters and some aren’t,” Egeland said. “What’s important is that they are outdoors and participating.”

Editor’s note: It’s been 16 years since the Game and Fish Department compiled a comprehensive listing of shooting facilities in North Dakota. Through many phone calls, inquiries, internet searches, personal contacts and so on, we now are able to provide an updated list of facilities, their location, what they offer, and current contact information. Understanding this, it’s certainly possible that the list is not complete. If your local shooting facility is not on the list, we’d like to include it in our online listing. Or, if any contact information or the location is incorrect, we’d like to know that, too. To make this list as inclusive as possible, contact the Game and Fish Department’s education section at 701-328-6615 or email the Department at ndgf@nd.gov.
Hettinger Rod and Gun Club
- Hettinger – (Located in South Dakota about .5 miles over the border off ND Highway 8).
- Trap range, 200-yard rifle range and pistol range.
- 701-567-3022
Valley City Rifle and Pistol Club
- Valley City
- Rifle and pistol.
- 701-845-0151
Valley City Trap Club
- Valley City
- Trap
- Facebook, 701-646-6322
Oh Shoot Sporting Clays
- Sibley
- Sporting clays
- 701-733-2366
Tri-County Trap and Wildlife Club
- Wimbledon (9831 18th St. SE)
- 2 trap ranges and skeet open to the public. Rifle range up to 200 yards for members only.
- Facebook, 701-435-2968 or 701-269-2968 or email at agoehri@daktel.com
Leeds/York Wildlife Club
- Leeds (1 mile west of Leeds, off U.S. Highway 2)
- Trap range
Belfield Sportsman Club
- Belfield
- Rifle and pistol ranges.
- belfieldsportsmanclub.com
Bismarck-Mandan Rifle and Pistol Association
- Moffit
- Rifle and pistol ranges.
- bmrpa.org, Facebook, 701-223-8176
MacLean Bottoms
- Southeast of Bismarck (106th St. SE)
- Game and Fish Department public rifle, pistol and shotgun ranges.
- gf.nd.gov, 701-328-6300
Wilton Mine WMA
- 2 miles east of Wilton
- Game and Fish Department public rifle, pistol and shotgun ranges.
- gf.nd.gov, 701-328-6300
Capital City Gun Club
- 4 miles north of Bismarck on U.S. Highway 83
- Trap open to public, but members shoot at reduced rate.
- bis.midco.net/ccgc/ccgc, 701-223-9542, CCGC@bis.midco.net
Capital City Sporting Clays
- East of Bismarck (12951 71st Ave. NE)
- Sporting clays, Trap, 5-stand and skeet ranges.
- ccsclays.com, Facebook page, 701-220-1003
Nishu Bowmen
- Bismarck (1409 Riverwood Dr.)
- Indoor and outdoor ranges.
- nishubowmen.com, Facebook, 701-222-3499
Red River Regional Marksmanship Center
- West Fargo (640 16th St. NE)
- Indoor handgun range, air gun range, 6-line underground 100-meter rifle range (3 with monitors for sighting in).
- rrrmc.com, Facebook, 701-356-0677 or rrrmc@rrrmc.com
Bill’s Gun Shop and Range
- Fargo (1040 35th St. N)
- Pistol, rifle and shotgun ranges.
- billsgs.com, Facebook, 701-353-8748
Cass County Wildlife Club
- Casselton (3512 154th Ave. SE)
- Rifle range – public range, Tuesdays are members only. Trap range – only open Monday evenings during summer.
- casscountywildlife.com, Facebook, Instagram, 701-238-7405
Shooting Park of Horace
- Horace (4333 167th Ave. SE)
- 13 trap lanes, 2 skeet ranges, 5-stand, 3-lane 25-yard pistol range, 200-yard rifle range.
- Facebook, 701-282-3805 or theshootingpark@aol.com
Enderlin/Sheldon Wildlife Club
- Enderlin
- Trap and rifle ranges.
- Facebook, 701-730-0334
Lake Agassiz Bowmen
- Fargo (3110 Main Ave.)
- Indoor range – open to the public December-March, otherwise members only.
- labarchery.com, Facebook, lakeagassizbowmen@gmail.com, 701-282-0131
Sandhills Archery Club
- West Fargo (3001 Charyl Ave. NW)
- Indoor and outdoor ranges – 3D targets and broadhead pit.
- sandhillsarchers.org, Facebook, 701-277-1442
Cavalier County Gun Club
- Langdon
- Trap and 5-stand.
- 701-370-9988
Northwest Sportsman’s Club
- Fortuna
- Indoor pistol, rifle and archery ranges (6 lanes separate archery range).Open every Tuesday night in winter, once a month during summer.
- 701-834-2232
Ludden Sportsmen’s Club
- Oakes
- Trap and archery (2 miles south on corner of ND highways 1 and 11) rifle range (7 miles south and 4 miles east).
- Facebook, 701-710-0059
Slope Area Rifle and Pistol Club
- Manning
- Rifle and pistol ranges.
- 701-290-6046, slopeareariflepistolclub.com
Eddy County Rod and Gun Club
- New Rockford
- Rifle, pistol and shotgun ranges.
- Facebook, 701-600-9100
Linton Rifle Range
- Linton (west of Linton off ND Highway 13)
- Shotgun, rifle and pistol ranges (25,100 and 250 yards). For trap shooting in summer contact Kimble’s Gun and Repair.
- 701-254-4267
Carrington Gun Range (Central Dakota Sportsmen take care of the range)
- Carrington (6400 2nd St. NE)
- Pistol, shotgun, skeet, 100-meter rifle range, 600-yard range under construction (2024) and archery tower.
- 701-650-7281 (Cody Krause - current acting president)
Forks Rifle Club (WG Coulter Rifle Range) – Members only
- Emerado (2051 12th Ave. NE)
- 200-, 300-, 600-yard rifle range, 500-meter silhouette range, 100- and 200- yard sighting in range. Indoor 50-foot small bore range.
- forksrifleclub.org, 701-739-1988
Grand Forks Gun Club
- Grand Forks (6950 Gateway Drive)
- Trap and skeet.
- Facebook, 701-772-2074
Dakota Hunting Club and Kennels
- Grand Forks
- 5-stand and sporting clays.
- 701-775-2074
Jensville Firearms Training
- Northwood (2375 5th Ave. NE)
- Primarily a pistol range, but does have a 100-yard rifle range.
- jensvillefirearmstraining.com.
- Appointment needed to shoot at the range. Call 218-791-4829 or email at jensvillestore@gmail.com.
Red River Archers
- Grand Forks (2001 N 42nd St.)
- Indoor range – members only.
- redriverarchers.org, Facebook
Buffalo Chip Shooters
- Carson
- Pistol and rifle ranges.
- Facebook, 701-622-3827
Fort Atchison Rifle Club
- Cooperstown
- Outdoor range at 334-398 112th Ave. NE and indoor range on Burrel Ave.
James River Sportsman’s Club
- Lake LaMoure (5 miles south of LaMoure)
- Trap, skeet, 3D archery range and elevated archery stand.
- Facebook, 701-320-0194
Kulm Rod and Gun Club
- Kulm
- Trap and rifle ranges.
Napoleon Wildlife Club
- Napoleon
- Trap, pistol, rifle and archery ranges.
- Facebook, 701-754-2680
Velva Wildlife Club
- Velva (2.5 miles west of town on the north side of ND Highway 52)
- Under construction – 23 3D archery and 3 bag targets up to 80 yards, 3 trap houses, 100-yard rifle and pistol range.
- Facebook, Instagram, 701-240-3690 or velvawildlifeclub@gmail.com
Lewis and Clark WMA (Williston Shooting Range)
- Southwest of Williston
- Game and Fish Department public pistol, rifle and shotgun ranges.
- gf.nd.gov, 701-744-4320
McKenzie County Sportsman's Club
- Watford City
- Trap, pistol, rifle and archery ranges.
- Facebook, 701-978-8129
Riverdale WMA
- Southwest of Riverdale
- Game and Fish Department public pistol, rifle and shotgun ranges.
- gf.nd.gov, 701-654-7475
Turtle Lake Trap Club
- Turtle Lake
- Trap and rifle ranges.
- Facebook, Turtle Lake Wildlife Club
Garrison Sportsmen’s Club
- Garrison
- Shotgun, rifle and pistol ranges. (Outdoor range is 10 miles west and .5 miles south of Garrison. Indoor range is at city hall.)
Zap Sportsman’s Club
- Zap
- Pistol, trap and rifle ranges (up to 300 yards).
- Facebook, 701-948-2434
- Buffalo Valley Archers
- Hazen (1122 Expansion Dr.)
- 20-yard indoor range for members only and outdoor range with public donation box.
Hebron Wildlife and Gun Club
- Hebron (2 miles east of town on old ND Highway 10)
- 100-yard rifle range and trap range.
- 701-878-4554
Little Heart (Schmidt) Bottoms (Oahe WMA)
- South of Mandan
- Game and Fish Department public rifle, pistol and shotgun areas.
- gf.nd.gov, 701-328-6300
Rolling Plains Sportsman’s Club
- Stanley (10 1st Ave. SE – clubhouse)
- 2 trap houses and rifle range.
- Facebook, 701-628-4867
Oliver County Gun Club
- Center
- Trap and rifle.
- Facebook, 701-794-3111
Pembina County Sportsman’s Club (members only)
- Cavalier
- Indoor archery range located in town. Outdoor 3D archery, 25-, 50- and 200-yard rifle and pistol range and shotgun area located 11 miles west of town.
- 701-265-4188
Rugby Shooting Club (members only)
- Rugby
- Trap, rifle and pistol ranges
- Facebook, 701-776-5042
Lake Region Shooting Sports Association
- Devils Lake
- Shotgun, rifle and pistol ranges.
- lrssa.org, Facebook, lrshootingsports@gmail.com
Renville County Gun Club
- Sherwood (1.5 miles north and .5 miles west)
- Trap
- Facebook, 701-240-3210 or 701-459-2281
JT’s Sporting Clays
- Fairmount
- Skeet, 5-stand, sporting clays, rifle and pistol ranges.
- 701-474-5598
Mooreton Sportsman’s Club (Joe Pikarski Range)
- Mooreton (7690 County Road 1)
- Trap, pistol and rifle ranges.
- Facebook, 701-640-0188
Kindred Sportsman Club Range
- Walcott
- Gun range and archery range.
Turtle Mountain Rifle Club (members only)
- Rolla
- Outdoor range
Rutland Sportsmen’s Club
- Rutland (.5 miles north of Silver Lake Recreation Area)
- Trap, archery, pistol and rifle ranges.
Cogswell Gun Club
- Cogswell (1 mile east off County Road 4 on 90th St. SE)
- Trap and rifle ranges (and a pistol league).
- 701-680-0860
Dickinson Trap Club
- Dickinson (3820 115th Ave. SW)
- Trap (public on Sunday afternoons and Tuesday and Thursday evenings, otherwise members only).
- Facebook, 701-290-2759
Dickinson Indoor Ranges (coming soon)
- Dickinson
- Indoor range – plan to start construction sometime in early 2019.
- www.dickinsonindoorranges.com, 701-761-0141
Roughrider Archers
- Dickinson (103 E. Villard St.)
- Indoor and outdoor ranges.
Finley Wildlife Club
- Finley
- Trap
Buffalo City Gun Club
- Jamestown
- Trap
Valley Sportsman’s Club Gun Range
- Buxton
Norsemen Archers
- Portland
- Indoor and outdoor ranges (outdoor range is under construction).
- norsemenarchers.com, Facebook, 701-740-5114
Walsh County Gun Club
- Park River
- Trap, rifle and pistol ranges.
Northern Lites Archery Club
- Grafton
- Indoor and outdoor ranges.
Minot Gun Club
- Minot
- Trap and skeet.
Minot Rifle and Pistol Club
- Minot
- Indoor and outdoor ranges.
- minotrifleandpistol.com, Facebook, 701-838-7882
Souris Valley Bowmen
- Minot
- Indoor and outdoor ranges.
- sourisvalleybowmen.com, Facebook, 701-240-6892
James Revet Gun Club (James River Gun Club) (members only)
- Cathay
- Indoor pistol and rifle ranges.
- 701-984-2379
Williston Rifle and Pistol Club (members only)
- Williston (Spring Lake Park)
- Indoor rifle and pistol ranges.
Painted Woods Sporting Range
- Williston
- Sporting clays, 5-stand, variety of gun and archery ranges.
- paintedwoodssportingrange.com, Facebook, 701-572-4867 or jimmy@paintedwoodssportingrange.com
Missouri Basin Bowmen
- Williston
- Indoor range (located at Upper Missouri Valley Fairgrounds) and outdoor range (located at Cedar Coulee) including 28 animal targets.
- missouribasinbowmen.com, Facebook, 701-570-1158 or 701-770-5448 after 6 p.m.