Species Identification (Common, Game and SCP Species)
Currently this section of the website contains profiles of most North Dakota game species, many of the species listed in the state's Species of Conservation Priority program and some other common species found in the state.
Fish and Freshwater Mussels
Reptiles and Amphibians
- View All (SCP)
Other Resources
- Checklist of North Dakota Birds (pdf)
- The Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (USGS) website is an excellent resource for more information on species and ecology in North Dakota.
- Centralflyway.org, a website maintained by the Central Flyway Council describes the flyway, its habitats and birds.
- eBird, a website maintained by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Audubon, is a tremendous resource for both birders and casual wildlife observers alike. The site includes a searchable database of recent species observations in North Dakota and the world.
- All About Birds, another website maintained by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, is an excellent bird identification website.
- North Dakota Herp Atlas - Amphibians and reptiles of North Dakota
Species Classification Legend
The following icons are used on the species information pages to designate special conservation classifications. Each icon is linked to a description of the classification.