North Dakota Fishing License
Licensing Requirements
- Residents and nonresidents age 16 and older need fishing licenses.
- Residents under age 16 may take and possess a limit of fish without a fishing license.
- Any nonresident under age 16 may take and possess a limit of fish without a nonresident fishing license if accompanied by an individual possessing a valid fishing license.
- Military - North Dakota residents who are on leave from active duty with the United States military can fish without a license. Contact the Department for details.
- Nonresident full-time students - Nonresident full-time students living in North Dakota, who are attending a state or tribal college, or a private institution of higher education, may qualify for purchasing resident fishing licenses. Contact the Department for details.
- Free Fishing Days - Residents of North Dakota may fish (except for paddlefish) without a resident fishing license on four designated days each year.
Additional Requirements
- Darkhouse Spearfishing
- In addition to possessing the needed valid fishing license, all individuals who participate in darkhouse spearfishing must first register (free).
- Paddlefish Snagging
- All paddlefish snaggers must possess a paddlefish tag in addition to a valid fishing license.
License Eligibility
North Dakota fishing opportunities are open to both North Dakota residents and nonresidents (exception: Free Fishing Days are resident only).
Residency Requirements | Resident License Fees | Nonresident License Fees
How to Purchase a License
Licenses may be purchased
- online,
- via the NDGF mobile app,
- in-person at a Department office or
- at a retail license vendor.
- Licenses are valid for one year starting April 1 and ending March 31 of the following year. An angler must possess a valid fishing license for the respective season.
- The fishing license must be in the possession of the licensee at all times while fishing.
- A digital image of a fishing license stored on a mobile device is accepted as a license in possession.
If you are new to fishing or would like some tips to help with your next fishing challenge, check out our Fishing Virtual Mentor.