State Wildlife Grants
North Dakota's Funding for Species of Conservation Priority
The State Wildlife Grants program provides federal dollars to every state and territory to support cost-effective conservation aimed at preventing wildlife from becoming endangered. Funds are apportioned annually through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to every state based on each state’s size and population. The North Dakota Game and Fish Department has been receiving an average of roughly $600,000 annually since 2001. State Wildlife Grant funding is crucial for implementing the conservation actions identified in the Wildlife Action Plan. A nonfederal match requirement assures local ownership and leverages state and private funds to support conservation. The State Wildlife Grants program has strong, bipartisan support in Congress and is supported by the Teaming With Wildlife Coalition, which is made up of more than 6,300 groups representing wildlife biologists, hunters, anglers, bird watchers, hikers, nature-based businesses and other conservationists.
Project Listing
Project Number | Project |
State Wildlife Grant - T-58-R | Assessment of American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus) and Canadian Toad (Anaxyrus hemiophrys) Population in eastern North Dakota: Is North Dakota a Hybrid Zone? |
State Wildlife Grant - T-57-R | Impacts of the Meadowlark Initiative on Grassland |
State Wildlife Grant - T-56-R | ND Habitat protection pilot program for underserved geographies of North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-55-R | ND Multiple-benefit Conservation of Grasslands in North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-54-R | Producing Beef and Birds: Impacts of High Intensity Short Duration Grazing on Grassland Songbirds |
State Wildlife Grant - T-53-R | Intensive survey of small mammal and herpetofauna in the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-52-R | Assessment of Amphibian Distributions and Breeding Habitat Characteristics in North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-51-R | Community Dynamics and Nest Survival of Conservation Priority Birds in Grasslands with Restored Disturbance Regimes |
State Wildlife Grant - T-50-R | Long-billed Curlew Surveys in Southwest North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-49-HM | Restoration and Enhancement of Riparian Areas using the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s Save our Lakes Program |
State Wildlife Grant - T-48-R | North Dakota’s State Wildlife Action Plan Phase III |
State Wildlife Grant - T-47-R | Species Distribution Modelling of Rare Insect Species in North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-46-R | Full Annual Cycle Demographic Monitoring of Grassland Birds Nesting in the Northern Great Plains |
State Wildlife Grant - T-45-R | Planning for Climate Change: A Collaborative Effort to Develop Recommended Conservation Actions to Meet ND Fish and Wildlife Needs Under Future Climate Scenarios |
State Wildlife Grant - T-44-R | Amphibian and Reptile Surveys of Southeastern North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-43-R | An ARM Approach at Understanding the Interactions between Landscape, Vegetation Type, Grassland Bird Productivity, Alternative Prey, and Predator Density |
State Wildlife Grant - T-42-R | Cottonwood Restoration in North Dakota Riparian Forests |
State Wildlife Grant - T-41-R | Grassland Bird and Invertebrate Distribution and Response to Fire Management within the Grand Forks County Saline Prairie Focus Area |
State Wildlife Grant - T-40-R | North Dakota Colonial and Semi-colonial Waterbird Inventory |
State Wildlife Grant - T-39-R | Survey of ‘Fringe’ Mammals in Western North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-38-R | Diseases and Parasites of North Dakota Amphibians |
State Wildlife Grant - T-37-R | Tallgrass Prairie Reconstruction |
State Wildlife Grant - T-36-R | Breeding Ecology of Ferruginous Hawks, Swainson’s Hawks, and Northern Harriers in South-central North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-35-R | Hibernating Bats in North Dakota: Species Diversity, Habitat Use, and Potential Impacts of White-Nose Syndrome |
State Wildlife Grant - T-34-R | Relocation of Historic Browse Transect Photo-Points in the North Dakota Badlands |
State Wildlife Grant - T-33-R | Distribution of Grassland Insects in Eastern North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-32-R | Survey and Faunal Inventory of Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) Colonies in Southwestern North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-31-R | Grassland Bird Response to Decreases in Grazing Pressure |
State Wildlife Grant - T-30-R | Breeding Ecology of Ferruginous and Swainson’s Hawks in Relation to Energy Extraction Activities in Western North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-29-R | Population and Status Assessment Strategies Applied to a Management Plan for the Snapping Turtle Chelydra serpentina in North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T2-12-R | An Evaluation of Northern Leopard Frog Populations in North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T2-11-HM | Restoration of Fire Regimes on the Missouri Coteau to Support Native Prairie and Prairie Obligate Species |
State Wildlife Grant - T2-10-R | Influence of Habitat Types on Waterfowl Nest Density and Success |
State Wildlife Grant - T2-9-R | Wetland Restoration Loss of Production Payments (LPP) to Restore Critical Habitat for Species of Conservation Priority in North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T2-8-R | Influence of Habitat Types on Grassland Bird Diversity |
State Wildlife Grant - T2-7-R | Interaction of Land Use and Wet/dry Cycles on Invertebrate Populations in Prairie Wetlands: Implications for Waterbird Habitat Conservation |
State Wildlife Grant - T2-6-R | Evaluating the Distribution of River Otters and Beavers throughout the Missouri and Souris River Drainages in North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T2-5-R | Distribution and Habitat Use of the Bats of North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T2-4-R | Relationships Among Landscape Composition, Nesting Density, Chick Condition, Adult Condition and Reproductive Success in Franklin’s Gull |
State Wildlife Grant - T2-3-D | Restoration and Enhancement of Mixed Grass and Sand Prairie in North Dakota State Parks |
State Wildlife Grant - T2-2-R | Wetland Occupancy by Shorebirds in Wind Energy Developments in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T2-1-D | Riparian Restoration on Western Wildlife Management Areas |
State Wildlife Grant - T-28-L | Smith Grove Wildlife Management Area Addition |
State Wildlife Grant - T-27-HM | Removing Sedimentation as a Technique for Restoring Palustrine Seasonal and Temporary Wetlands in the Northeast Drift Prairie of North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-26-R | Establishing Amphibian Population Levels in Local Sites of North Dakota |
State Wildlife Grant - T-25-HM | Habitat Enhancement for Grassland Birds in the Sheyenne Delta Landscape |
State Wildlife Grant - T-24-R | A Two Phase Population Survey of Mussels in North Dakota Rivers |
State Wildlife Grant - T-23-HM | Implementing Adaptive Grassland Management for Declining Grassland and Wetland Birds at the Davis Ranch |
State Wildlife Grant - T-22-HM | Implementation of North Dakota’s Wildlife Action Plan through the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s Private Lands Initiative |
State Wildlife Grant - T-21-R | Restoring Tall-grass and Mixed-grass Prairie in Cropland-dominated Landscapes of Northeastern North Dakota |