State Wildlife Grant - T-22-HM
Project Overview | |
Project Title |
Implementation of North Dakota’s Wildlife Action Plan through the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s Private Lands Initiative
Target Species |
All species
Timeline |
July 2007 – June 2013
Investigators |
Kevin Kading ND Game and Fish Department
Project Description
The mission of the North Dakota Game and Fish Department is to protect, conserve and enhance fish and wildlife populations and their habitats for sustained public use. The Private Lands Initiative is the primary mechanism the Department uses to accomplish this on private land. State Wildlife Grant dollars will be matched with existing state funds to provide cost-share assistance to landowners to develop and protect habitat for species of conservation priority on private land. The Department’s Private Lands Biologists will select from interested landowners, land that meets specified criteria. Priority will be given to programs performed in focus areas identified within the North Dakota Wildlife Action Plan and long-term agreements. The Department will then partner with the landowner to implement conservation actions that benefit habitat for fish and wildlife on their lands.