Services for People with Disabilities
Accessible Fishing Facilities
Accessible fishing facilities can be found using the Where to Fish App which has an option to filter by accessible facilities.
Special Hunting Permits
Shooting from a Stationary Motor Vehicle
Allows the permittee to shoot wildlife from a stationary motor vehicle on private land. A current hunting license is required.
You must have a licensed physician, certified physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, or licensed chiropractor certify that you are unable to walk for the purposes of hunting or taking wildlife or have lost the use of an arm at or below the elbow.
To complete the online application, login to My Account with your name and DOB, and then scroll down to the specialty permit section.
Crossbow Permit
Allows the permittee to shoot nongame fish or hunt game using a crossbow in lieu of a compound, long, or recurve bow. A current fishing and/or hunting license is required.
Permittees must be either blind, paraplegic or have lost the use of one or both arms. A licensed physician, certified nurse practitioner, certified physician assistant, or licensed chiropractor is required to confirm the applicant meets the eligibility requirements.
To complete the online application, login to My Account with your name and DOB, and then scroll down to the specialty permit section.
Tracked Wheelchair
The North Dakota Game and Fish Department has a tracked wheelchair available at no charge for use at the Outdoor Wildlife Learning Center in Bismarck and at Department sponsored field events. When not in use by the Department, the wheelchair may be reserved by approved user groups for use offsite by participants of outdoor educational or hunting programs.
A waiver of liability must be signed by the wheelchair user or her/his legal guardian. For offsite use a waiver must also be signed by a legal representative of the organization responsible for the outdoor program or event at which the wheelchair is used.
Offsite Use Requirements
- The tracked wheelchair may be reserved for offsite use for up to 72 hours.
- The tracked wheelchair must be picked up by a representative of the organization responsible for the outdoor program or event at which it is being used.
- An enclosed trailer is provided for transporting the wheelchair. Towing the trailer requires the towing vehicle have a 2-inch ball.
- A short tutorial on how to run and load the wheelchair properly will be given upon pick up of the chair.
- To reserve the use of the tracked wheelchair call 701-328-6615.

- Riverdale WMA Shooting Range (two miles southwest of Riverdale): parking and one accessible bench on the 100 yard range.
- Little Heart (Schmidt) Bottoms Shooting Range (12 miles south of Mandan off ND Highway 1806): parking and three accessible benches, one at each range (pistol, 100 and 200 yard).
- MacLean Bottoms Shooting Range (two miles south of ND Highway 1804, approximately 15 miles southeast of Bismarck): parking and three accessible benches, one at each range (pistol, 100 and 200 yard).
- Lewis and Clark WMA Shooting Range (six miles southwest of Williston): parking and three accessible benches, one at each range (pistol, 100 and 200 yard).
Contacting the Department
If you have a hearing or voice impairment you can contact the Department via the North Dakota Relay Number, 1-800-366-6888, or you can contact the Department online.
Game wardens may be reached directly via text message. Contact numbers for game wardens can be found either via the directory listing or via the map found here (Note: When viewing the map, simply click on the appropriate district to view the district warden's contact information.)