Conservation Corner
North Dakota Conservation Corner
Learn about North Dakota's natural resources and what you can do to help protect the future
The Habitat, Fish, Wildlife and Plants of North Dakota

Fish and Wildlife Identification
Identification and life cycle information on some of the many fish and wildlife species that make their home in North Dakota (common wildlife, game species and Species of Conservation Priority)

Information on gardening for pollinators, the North Dakota native pollinator management strategy, the monarch butterfly life cycle and more

North Dakota's primary vegetative communities, geological regions, climate, land classification and habitat types
The Status of Fish and Wildlife in North Dakota

State Wildlife Action Plan
The State Wildlife Action Plan outlines strategy for safeguarding rare and declining fish and wildlife species in North Dakota

Species of Conservation Priority
Find out which fish and wildlife species populations in North Dakota are currently of concern to biologist

Threatened and Endangered
North Dakota currently has several species listed via the Endangered Species Act as threatened or endangered
Protecting the Future
What is the North Dakota Game and Fish Department Doing?

Landowner Assistance
Financial and technical assistance to private landowners for habitat protection, enhancement and development.

Research papers partially or fully funded by the Department along with management plans and reports
What Can You Do?

Gardening for Pollinators
Whether you have hundreds of acres of land or just have a couple of planters on your deck, you can help wildlife

Habitat Management
Guides that provide advice on managing different types of North Dakota habitats for fish and wildlife

Follow outdoor related bills during the legislative session and get involved in the legislative process

Sightings/Tag Reports
Help biologists track populations by reporting tagged fish, banded birds, ANS, furbearer observations and active bald eagle nests

Mortality Reports
Help biologists track wildlife disease within the state by reporting dead wildife during disease outbreaks