Did you know that turkeys are not native to North Dakota? They were originally stocked in the 1930s and 40s. Learn more in this week's NDO Webcast with upland game biologist RJ Gross.

Wildlife Notes
Wild Turkeys in North Dakota
Aquatic Invertebrates Survey
The North Dakota Game and Fish Department manages our state's fish and wildlife, including those species like aquatic invertebrates that often go unnoticed. Learn more in this week’s NDO News.
Crayfish in North Dakota
Did you know that North Dakota has 2 species of crayfish? Learn more in this week’s NDO News with fisheries biologist Mike Johnson.

Bald Eagle Populations in North Dakota (2024)
Once an endangered species, bald eagle populations are increasing in North Dakota. Learn more in this NDO news video (2024)
Read Full Article: Watch Bald Eagle Populations in North Dakota (2024)

Ring-necked Pheasant Behavior
During breeding season, male ring-necked pheasants will defend a territory against other males. Conflicts sometimes get a little heated...
Read Full Article: Watch pheasant tussle

Hudsonian godwits
Unlike marbled godwits, which breed in North Dakota, Hudsonian godwits can only be seen in the state during their spring migration.
Read Full Article: Watch Hudsonian godwits

Breeding waterfowl depend on the prairie pothole region. Find out why.
Read Full Article: Watch Why are Wetlands Important

Disappearing Sage Grouse
Sage grouse are disappearing from North Dakota. Learn more in this NDO webcast (2024).
Read Full Article: Watch Disappearing Sage Grouse

Long-Billed Curlews
Long-billed curlews are one of the 13 shorebird species known to nest in North Dakota. Learn more about these neat little birds here.
Read Full Article: Long-Billed Curlews

Bluegill Spawn
Bluegill spawn late May and June when water temperatures near 22 C (71.6F). Large males build nests in colonies where they spawn and protect eggs. Some smaller males will mimic females to fertilize eggs instead of nest building and defense.
Read Full Article: Bluegill Spawn

North Dakota Deer Species
North Dakota is home to two deer species, whitetail and mule deer. Learn more about their similarities and differences in this video.
Read Full Article: Watch North Dakota Deer Species

River Otters in North Dakota
River otters can be found in certain river corridors in North Dakota. Learn more about this species in this short video.
Read Full Article: Watch River Otters

Prairie Rattlesnakes
Contrary to popular rumor, there are prairie rattlesnakes east of the Missouri River in North Dakota. Learn about one population in this video.
Read Full Article: Rattlesnakes in North Dakota

Yucca Moths
Did you know that yucca moths are the yucca plant's only pollinator? Learn more here!
Read Full Article: Yucca Moths

Winter Camouflage
Did you know that North Dakota's two hare (white-tailed jackrabbits and snowshoe hares) and three weasel (long-tailed, short-tailed and least) species turn white in the winter.
Read Full Article: Winter Camouflage

Winter Ticks and Moose
Stories about ghost moose are being told with increased frequency across the southern portion of moose range in North America. Winter ticks are the cause.
Read Full Article: Winter Ticks and Moose

Newly Hatched Killdeer Chicks
Newly hatched killdeer chicks, while not the most graceful of creatures, are arguably one of the most adorable. These chicks were filmed in a gravel area right outside of one of the Department's offices.
Read Full Article: Newly Hatched Killdeer Chicks

Bison in North Dakota
Watch this short video for some facts on bison in North Dakota.
Read Full Article: Bison in North Dakota

Eastern Kingbird and Chitin Pellets
Eastern kingbirds (Tyrannus tyrannus), which can be found across North Dakota in the summer, feed primarily on insects during the breeding season. Like owls and some other birds, eastern kingbirds regurgitate pellets of indigestible prey parts, in this case insect chitin. Here is a series of photographs demonstrating this behavior (because we knew everyone would appreciate this visual to start your day out right!)
Read Full Article: Eastern Kingbird and Chitin Pellets

Ticks sit on the tips of vegetation with legs outstretched waiting for dinner to wander by. Learn more about one of North Dakota's least favorite insects here.
Read Full Article: Ticks

Black Tern Fish Flight
Read Full Article: Black Tern Fish Flight

American Coots in North Dakota
American coots are a fairly common water bird in North Dakota. Check out this short video to learn more.
Read Full Article: American Coots in North Dakota

North Dakota Ground Squirrels
So is that ground squirrel you see in the North Dakota countryside a Flickertail or a Franklin's?
Read Full Article: North Dakota Ground Squirrels

Wild Turkey in North Dakota
Wild turkey, a popular upland game species in North Dakota, are not native to the state. Learn more in this Wildlife Notes post.
Read Full Article: Wild Turkey in North Dakota

Ten-Petal Blazing Star
If you want to see one of the state’s most impressive wildflowers in full bloom, you need to know not only where to look, but when.
Read Full Article: Ten-Petal Blazing Star

American Bittern Eyes
Did you know that the eyes on an American Bittern are set in their face so they can easily focus downward? Bittern eat a wide variety of prey like fish, insects, small reptiles and mammals which they use stalking behaviors to capture.
Read Full Article: Learn more about bittern

Wading Birds in North Dakota
Many species of wading birds migrate through North Dakota. Some even breed here. Learn more in this short video.
Read Full Article: Wading Birds in North Dakota

Bigmouth and Smallmouth Buffalo
Bigmouth buffalo and smallmouth buffalo are members of the sucker family and both native to the Missouri River System in North Dakota.
Read Full Article: Bigmouth and Smallmouth Buffalo

Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), a member of the rose family, is the state fruit of North Dakota. This small tree or shrub grows to a height of 20 feet.
Read Full Article: Learn more about chokecherries

Porcupine Predators
While some larger predators will take on an occasional porcupine, only one in North Dakota is a truly effective predator of porcupines. Learn more.
Read Full Article: Porcupine Predators

Owls in North Dakota
Learn about owls that migrate through and/or nest in North Dakota.
Read Full Article: Owls in North Dakota

How much wood can a woodchuck chuck
So, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Well, a New York state wildlife expert, Richard Thomas, decided to answer that question some years back.
Read Full Article: Learn how much wood a woodchuck can chuck

Badgers are found statewide in North Dakota. Find out more about this hard-digging furbearer in this segment of North Dakota Outdoors.
Read Full Article: Badger

Bighorn Sheep Clash
This clash of bighorn sheep was observed in the north unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park in the fall of 2019. It was an epic battle, but in the end, no clear winner emerged...
Read Full Article: View Bighorn Sheep Clash

Painted Turtle Gender Determination
Did you know that temperature influences the gender of painted turtles in the egg? If the temperature of egg incubation is around 78 degrees F, then the hatchlings will be male. If it is around 86 degrees F they will be females. For temperatures between 78 and 86 F they could be either.
Read Full Article: Painted Turtle Gender Determination

Two-Headed Deer Fetus
Read Full Article: Read about the two-headed deer fetus

A Look at Bird Legs
Did you know that birds stand on their toes rather than their feet? Learn more in this Wildlife Notes post.
Read Full Article: A Look at Bird Legs

Sharp-Tailed Grouse Lek
Arguably one of North Dakota's more entertaining upland game species is the sharp-tailed grouse. In the spring these grouse can be found on leks (dancing grounds) where males display to attract mates.
Read Full Article: Watch Lek Video

Lowhead Dam Dangers
Lowhead dams can be great locations for fishing, but they can also present real safety hazards. Find out more in this short video from a 2018 North Dakota Outdoors program.
Read Full Article: Lowhead Dam Dangers

Softshell Turtles in North Dakota
Spiny and smooth softshell turtles can be found in the southern portions of the Missouri River System in North Dakota.
Read Full Article: Softshell Turtles in North Dakota

Snapping Turtles
Snapping turtles are common throughout North Dakota. These big turtles can live 40-50 years or more in the wild and can grow to around 65 pounds (though most are in the 10-35 pound range).
Read Full Article: Learn more about snapping turtles

Porcupine Fur
Did you know that porcupines have three types of fur? Learn more in this Wildlife Note post.
Read Full Article: Porcupine Fur

Dirt Tubes
Have you ever been driving down a back road during the spring and seen tubes of dirt meandering along a ditch? These tubes are created by northern pocket gophers.
Read Full Article: Dirt Tubes

Sagebrush Lizards Escape Mechanism
Did you know that sagebrush lizards (found in the North Dakota badlands) can drop their tail to distract an attacking predator? They escape while the predator goes after their still twitching tail. Later their tail grows back.
Read Full Article: Sagebrush Lizards Escape Mechanism

Spring in North Dakota
Sights and sounds of spring advancing across our North Dakota
Read Full Article: Watch ND spring sights and sounds

Sharp-Tailed Grouse and Snow Caves
One strategy sharp-tailed grouse use to survive winter is to burrow into the snow. Find out more in this post.
Read Full Article: Sharp-Tailed Grouse and Snow Caves

Plains Gartersnake
Plains gartersnakes can be found across North Dakota and can be identified by three stripes, with the middle stripe often being bright orange or yellow.
Read Full Article: Plains Gartersnakes

All birds molt - shedding their old, weathered feathers with new ones. Some birds molt once per year, others two or three times per year. Sometimes the molt process is simultaneous, such as with waterfowl when they lose all of the primary feathers at once, leaving them flightless for 3-4 weeks. You’ve probably seen them this time of year in a wetland doing a breast-stroke swim to escape to cover.
Read Full Article: Learn more about bird molts

Burrowing Owls
Burrowing owls nest underground. Learn more in this Wildlife Notes post.
Read Full Article: Burrowing Owls

The Sandman Goes Wild
For humans, sleeping involves closing their eyes and drifting away into a state of rest for the mind and body. In the safety and warmth of their home, this is typically accomplished in about eight hours. For teenagers, sometimes it takes much longer.
Read Full Article: Read The Sandman Goes Wild