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Outdoor Legislation

For more information on the North Dakota legislative sessions go to the North Dakota Legislative Branch website.

This listing will be updated throughout each session as bills are introduced and progress.

Legislation List
Bill Identification Status Hearing Date Summary House Vote Senate Vote
HB 1017 Active

Appropriates $114,599,190 to the Game and Fish Department for the biennium beginning July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2027. Passed house. Senate appropriations heard 03/06.

HB 1082 Passed

Defines farmed elk as mammals of the North American elk genus and species (cervus canadensis) confined in a manmade enclosure designed to prevent escape. Passed house. Passed senate.

93-0 47-0
HB 1094 Active

Nonprofit organizations eligible to apply for special allocation big game hunting licenses for fundraising must be exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19), and must contribute at least 20% (currently it's at least 10%) of the net proceeds of any raffle of a license to a conservation-related project. Passed house. Senate energy and natural resources heard 03/07, no action taken.

HB 1147 Active

A resident disabled veteran who has at least a 50% service connected disability qualifies for the $3 combined general game, habitat, small game and furbearer license. Passed house. Senate energy and natural resources recommended do pass 7-0.

HB 1174 Active

The department may establish educational and community outreach programs to promote public understanding of fisheries and wildlife management and promote interest in pursuing careers in fields employed by the department, including by job shadowing of field activities and ride alongs. Passed house. Referred to senate energy and natural resources.

HB 1236 Failed

Hunting and fishing license fees and application fees may be used only for departmental programs and administration unrelated to chronic wasting disease. Failed house.

HB 1237 Failed

A nonresident may purchase a nonresident upland and small game license to hunt upland and small game, except waterfowl, during the entire upland and small game hunting seasons. In addition, eliminates the nonresident 14 day or two 7-day small game licenses. Failed house.

HB 1260 Active

Fifteen percent of the total mule deer gun licenses made available in the current year must be made available as nonresident any-deer bow licenses. Currently, the total mule deer gun licenses is from the preceding year. Passed house.

HB 1325 Failed

The director shall keep a record of and make available to the public all positive detections of chronic wasting disease for four years, including a microscopic slide of the prion and necropsy report. Failed house.

HB 1412 Passed

The director shall provide that each application for a deer lottery license contain the option for an unsuccessful applicant to donate the license fee to the private land open to sportsmen program. Passed house. Passed senate.

91-0 47-0
HB 1470 Active

Increases the fees of some hunting and fishing licenses. Passed house. Referred to senate energy and natural resources.

HB 1598 Passed

An individual, while hunting big game or small game, other than waterfowl or cranes, may not use a motor-driven vehicle on any land other than an established road or trail without the written permission of the landowner, unless that individual has reduced a big game animal to possession. Passed house. Passed senate.

87-2 47-0
SB 2137 Active

The department may not adopt a rule or implement a policy prohibiting or restricting the use of supplemental feed on private property for hunting a big game animal. Has a sunset clause of July 31, 2029. Passed senate. House energy and natural resources heard 03/07, no action taken.

SB 2155 Active

The number of pronghorn gratis licenses issued may not exceed one-half of the any pronghorn licenses available. In addition, if the individual is unsuccessful in the landowner lottery, that application is included in a lottery for remaining licenses. Passed senate. House energy and natural resources heard 03/07, no action taken.

SB 2168 Failed

An individual may not hunt or pursue game within 440 yards of a building, occupied structure, or storage structure without the consent of the property owner. Failed senate.

SB 2197 Failed

An individual over the age of 75 may use a crossbow during the bow season. Failed senate.

SB 2199 Active

A resident disabled veteran who has a 100% service-connected disability is entitled to receive an additional bonus point when applying for a deer license issued by lottery. Passed senate. House energy and natural resources heard 03/07, no action taken.

SB 2216 Active

A waterfowl habitat restoration electronic stamp is required for every resident and nonresident to hunt waterfowl at a fee of $5. In addition, creates a waterfowl habitat improvement fund for improving and restoring waterfowl habitat and supporting youth hunting programs. Passed senate. House energy and natural resources heard 03/06, no action taken.

SB 2245 Active

Allows the hunting of waterfowl from a floating craft without a motor propelled exclusively by paddle, oars or pole; or with a motor if the craft is at rest and the motor has been turned off. Passed senate. House energy and natural resources heard 03/07, no action taken.

SB 2309 Passed

Allows the statewide antlerless white-tailed youth deer license to be issued as an antlerless license through governor's proclamation. Passed senate. Passed house.

91-1 47-0