State Wildlife Grant - T-25-HM
Project Overview | |
Project Title |
Habitat Enhancement for Grassland Birds in the Sheyenne Delta Landscape
Target Species |
Numerous grassland associated species
Timeline |
April 2008 – Dec. 2013
Investigators |
Rob Self, The Nature Conservancy
Project Description
Nationally more than 99% of historic tallgrass prairie is gone and the remainder is highly altered due to fire suppression and fragmentation. In southeast North Dakota we have a unique opportunity to protect valuable tallgrass prairie habitat at a scale that is ecologically sustainable by working cooperatively with private landowners and the USFS Sheyenne National Grasslands. The purpose of this proposal is to acquire funding to support needed habitat management on land owned by The Nature Conservancy and surrounding private lands within the Sheyenne National Grassland. Management actions will include treating leafy spurge, remove tree rows, and applying prescribed fire of TNC and adjacent private land.