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Common Carp

Common Carp

Note: Common carp occur in many water bodies statewide.

Fact Sheet
Scientific Name (Cyprinus carpio)
Classification and Permitting Level 3 - Listed Aquatic Nuisance Species
Species Description Common carp is a large-bodied (over 40 inches and up to 82 pounds) invasive fish easily recognized by its large scales and barbels. Although this species is usually brassy to yellow in color, ornamental varieties (koi) come in a variety of colors and patterns.
Preferred Habitat One of the most widespread invasive fish worldwide, these fish are typically found in lakes, ponds, and lower sections of rivers.
Reason for ANS Designation This fish tends to uproot vegetation and sediment, decreasing water quality and habitat for native species. Once established, there is no good control method.
Place of Origin Common carp is native to Eurasia but was introduced to the United States as a food fish in the 1800s. Common carp can be moved as ornamental fish (koi) or bait.
Stopping the Spread Never release unused bait back into a waterbody, and do not release live animals into the environment. Besides usually being illegal, new introductions of fish species may disrupt the current ecosystem.
Additional Information USGS Fact Sheet
USGS Species Information
Common Carp
Common Carp