Faucet Snail
Scientific Name | (Bithynia tentaculata) |
Classification and Permitting Level | 1 - Prohibited Aquatic Nuisance Species |
Species Description | A faucet snail is a small (up to about 1/2 inch in length) snail with a shiny, pale brown shell and 4-5 sections (whorls), with the bottom-most section being larger than the others. |
Preferred Habitat | They can typically be found on rocky shorelines and river and lake bottoms in cooler months and on vegetation in warmer months |
Reason for ANS Designation | It can push out native snail species and act as a host for parasites that kill ducks and coots. If found in high numbers, these snails may also foul water intakes and swimming areas. Once established, there is no good control method. |
Place of Origin | Faucet snails are native to Europe but were introduced to the United States in the 1870s. It is unclear how these snails were first introduced, but the most likely explanation is as a contaminant in solid ballast on ocean-going ships. |
Stopping the Spread | When taking equipment out of a lake or stream, remove all plants and mud and drain all water prior to leaving. Allow the equipment to dry completely, rinse with 140°F water for 10 seconds of contact, or disinfect using an approved method such as a .02% bleach solution for 10 minutes of contact time or freezing for 72 hours. |
Additional Information | USDA Fact Sheet Minnesota Department of Natural Resources |