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Red Swamp Crayfish

Fact Sheet
Scientific Name(Procambarus clarkia)
Classification and Permitting Level1 - Prohibited Aquatic Nuisance Species
Species DescriptionBody ranges in length from 5.5-12 cm with dark red with elongated head and claws. The chelipeds (legs with claws) have bright red tubercles.
Preferred HabitatFreshwater lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams with mud or sand bottoms. Softer bottom near the shoreline and deadfall is preferred for burrowing tunnels.
Reason for ANS DesignationConsumption of fish eggs. Burrows into shoreline for shelter, causing erosion. This species can displace native species of crayfish through competition for food and shelter.
Place of OriginRed swamp crayfish native range stretches the gulf coast of the Florida panhandle to Mexico and up the Mississippi river drainage to Illinois. Expansion in the United States is likely from aquaculture, the food market, bait releases, and the aquarium trade.
Stopping the SpreadNever release unused bait back into a waterbody, and do not attempt to stock a new species into a waterbody. Besides usually being illegal, new introductions may disrupt the current ecosystem.
Additional InformationUSGS Fact Sheet