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Tubenose Goby

Tubenose Goby

Fact Sheet
Scientific Name (Proterorhinus semilunaris)
Classification and Permitting Level 1 - Prohibited Aquatic Nuisance Species
Species Description Tubenose goby is a small (up to 5 inches) invasive fish that has a single, fused pelvic fin that distinguishes it from native sculpins and long nostrils that distinguish it from the invasive round goby.
Preferred Habitat It can typically be found in vegetation at the bottom of shallow water in lakes.
Reason for ANS Designation This fish may harm native fish by consuming similar prey items such as small bottom-dwelling invertebrates, small fish, and fish eggs. Once established, there is no good control method.
Place of Origin Tubenose goby is native to Eurasia but was first documented in the United States in the 1990s. The initial introduction was from the discharge of ballast water into the Great Lakes.
Stopping the Spread Do not attempt to stock a new species into a waterbody. Besides usually being illegal, new introductions of fish species may disrupt the current ecosystem.
Additional Information USGS Fact Sheet