Classroom Aids
Resources For Instructors
The resources below may be checked out for two week periods by teachers for use in their classrooms. Resources are available on a first come first served basis. Teachers in the Bismarck area may reserve a resource by calling the Department's Outreach Assistant at 701-328-6615. Teachers outside of the Bismarck area can contact a Game and Fish district office or their local North Dakota Regional Educational Association. Teachers must arrange pickup and return of all materials.
All instructional materials are free.
Wildlife of North Dakota Trunk - This trunk comes complete with skins, skulls, feet and other parts of wildlife found in North Dakota. The truck also contains a curriculum to use in your classroom. All specimens are labeled!
The Whale - The whale is inflated with a standard box fan and is used to teach the importance of all wildlife. Educators can use the integrated curriculum that comes with the whale to teach math, science, language arts, social studies and art.
Birding Backpack - The backpack contains 12 sets of binoculars and birding guides for birds seen in North Dakota. This is a good resource for educators teaching a field biology course.
Classroom Activities
These conservation related educational activities and lessons are for use by teachers, home schoolers, parents, and other environmental educators. These activities focus on prairie species and habitats in North Dakota.
- Striking Distance: Students play a game of tag that simulates a rattlesnake's striking distance. This activity is meant to help students understand predator the prey relationships of prairie rattlesnakes.
- Monarch Butterfly Population Monitoring: Students will make a bar graph of the Monarch Butterfly population to help them learn about long-term population monitoring.
- Living Together: Two activities -
- Predator Tag: Students split into 2 groups (one predator, one prey) and play a game of tag to help them understand what animals need to survive.
- Winter Ticks on a Moose: Students use dry lentil beans and math to understand how ticks can impact moose.