Earth Day Patch Contest
In an effort to bring awareness and develop consciousness about the environmental condition of our planet and North Dakota, the North Dakota Game and Fish Department is sponsoring the North Dakota Earth Day Patch Contest.
Winners will be chosen from four grade categories.
Grade Categories:
- K-3
- 4-6
- 7-9
- 10-12
The grand prize patch design winner is chosen from one of the four winning categories.
Each winner will receive an outdoor kit which includes a pair of binoculars and field guides.
The grand prize winner will have their design displayed on this year's recognition patch, be featured in the North Dakota OUTDOORS magazine and on the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website.
The grand prize winning design will be used on a patch to be given out to the members of school groups, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, 4H clubs, outdoor clubs and community groups that participate in Earth Day cleanup projects in North Dakota throughout the year.
Contestants are urged to get their communities involved in Earth Day projects on publicly owned or managed lands in or near their communities. Good luck!
For questions about this contest please contact us online or call 701-328-6615.
2024 Earth Day Patch Contest Winners
Overall Winner and Grades k-4 1st
Ella Haagenson
Grades 5-8 1st
Isla Anderson
Grades 9-12 1st
Deegan Kierschemann
Contest Rules:
- The patch is round and three inches in diameter. Use the template on the entry form to ensure the correct size.
- You may use only 5 colors on the patch design.
- Acceptable media are markers, crayons, colored pencils, oil pastels, ink, or paint. All artwork must be original.
- No digital artwork will be accepted.
- No lettering on the patch. Entries with slogans, dates or any words will not be judged.
- The patch design should incorporate some aspect of Earth Day such as environmental awareness, respect for the earth, water quality, wildlife, or habitat conservation in North Dakota.
- The contestant must be a North Dakota resident and youth in grades K-12. The categories are K-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12 grades.
- All contestant information must be clearly printed on the entry form.
- Only one entry per person is allowed.
- Only submit original entries (no copies or duplications) by March 1.
- Do not detach patch design from entry information.
- Do not reduce entry form size by cutting page size.
- Contest deadline is March 1. Entries must be received by the deadline. Mail before March 1 so your entries are received by the deadline.
Entry Form
To order Earth Day patches for members of groups conducting Earth Day projects, please complete the Earth Day Report Form.