Sponsorship/Education/Conservation Grants
Sponsorship/Education/Conservation Grants provide funding to organizations for projects/events that closely relate to or assist in fulfilling the Department’s mission.
An organization is eligible if their project meets one or more of the following criteria:
- Inform and educate citizens about fish, wildlife, habitat and conservation.
- Promote environmental stewardship and awareness of environmental issues.
- Foster landowner/sportsmen relations.
- Encourage involvement of youth in hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities.
- Advance hunter, fishing, and boating safety and ethics.
- Recruit and retain hunters and anglers.
To apply, an organization must complete a grant application and submit it to:
Attn: Administrative Assistant to the Director
North Dakota Game and Fish Department
100 N. Bismarck Expressway
Bismarck, ND 58501-5095
Grant applications can also be emailed to: ndgf@nd.gov
Grant awards are typically nominal in amount for assistance with a project/event. Funds can be used for, but not limited to: advertising and promotion, printing, postage, nonmonetary awards, workshops, event facility rent, speakers, project/event supplies, etc. (Grant funds typically cannot be used for food/meals.)
If approved, the organization must sign a grant agreement. The project/event and receipts must be dated after the dates signed by both parties on the grant agreement. Funds will be paid on a reimbursement basis only. Organizations will be reimbursed after the project/event and must submit receipts and documentation specified in the grant agreement.