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Behind the Badge - Get the Gun


District Game Warden Alan Howard

It was early November when I took a call from a local landowner mentioning that one of his employees and his great Pyrenees just got attacked by a 3X3 buck, and that they had to shoot the deer.

Skeptical of what happened I told them to leave the deer where it was, and I would be there as soon as I could.

When I arrived, I met the landowner and the individual who shot the deer.

The landowner said he wasn’t there, but I could get the story from the shooter.

The person who shot the deer started to tell me what had happened.

As we walked up to the house, I could see 3-foot-wide blood trail 20 feet from the front door of the house.

The blood trail continued away from the house and around the corner of the trees.

Pointing at the ground where the snow and grass were torn up, he said that’s where the deer had his buddy on the ground.

The individual who shot the deer said that he and his partner at approximately 8:30 p.m.

heard a commotion outside with the dog and what they thought was a coyote.

When the first individual came out of the house, he said to the other, it was a deer attacking the dog and the deer had the dog on the ground.

When he tried to get the deer off the dog it took him down to the ground as well.

While on the ground holding on to the antlers, he yelled at his partner get the gun.

His buddy came out of the house while he was yelling to shoot the deer.

His partner said that it was too close to shoot until the deer let him loose.

When it was just a few feet away he fired one shot of the 30-30 cal.

The deer turned around and ran about 40 yards and tipped over.

At first, they thought the dog had a broken leg, but it started using it by the next morning.

The individual on the ground ended up with bruises and was relieved to see the deer going the other way.

You never know what you will run into during this job.

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