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Line drawing of Santa Claus in a bathtub

Behind the Badge - Santa Claus in a Bathtub

Santa Claus in a Bathtub

District Game Warden Supervisor Dan Hoenke

October 2014, I forwarded a case to district game warden Zane Manhart of two men hunting on posted land and a violation for shooting within 440 yards of an occupied building near New England.

The following day warden Manhart was off, and I received a call from the reporting party that his hired man had found a house in New England that the men were staying at.

I stated the investigating officer was off, but I would check into it.

I went to the location on the edge of town and as I pulled up the suspect’s vehicle was parked in front of the house. The vehicle was locked with a shotgun in the front seat.

You never know when an adventure is about to begin, and I had no clue on this cloudy day.

I knocked on the door and introduced myself to the owner and he invited me in. The owner and a neighbor were having coffee and I asked about the vehicle out front, and the owner stated I’ve got hunters here.

I asked where the hunters were, and the owner stated they stay in the garage and added I don’t hunt with them.

I let him know that I had a complaint on the hunters and need to speak with them. The owner proceeded to lead me to the garage but neither of the hunters were anywhere to be found.

We started back to the kitchen, and I asked the owner where they might be?

As we passed the bathroom the door was closed and without saying a word the owner pointed several times at the bathroom door.

I had the owner go back to the kitchen and knocked on the bathroom door several times with no answer.

I opened the door and saw the bath shower curtain was closed with the lights off. I thought I saw the shower curtain slightly move.

I drew my handgun as I was getting a bad feeling about how this was unfolding.

I pulled the curtain back and there he was the symbol of Christmas standing right before me in the tub.

Standing in a red shirt with suspenders holding up his hunting pants was a man with white flowing beard and hair to match. All this man would need was the red Santa suit and he could have a job at any mall in December, HO HO HO!

The man immediately said, “Hey how you doing?”

I ushered Daryl out of his hiding place in the tub and asked about his hunting and location of his hunting partner.

I followed Santa, I mean Daryl around first looking at their game coolers, then the house looking for his hunting partner.

I was starting to feel anxious as I did not know where Daryl’s hunting partner was.

I told Daryl that I need to talk to him, and his hunting partner. Daryl again states I don’t know where he is, but he is my favorite brother.

The owner, neighbor, Daryl, and I go outside to look for Dennis (Daryl’s favorite brother) and I pass the truck which is still locked.

Daryl and the others yelled out for Dennis as we searched the property and I called district game warden Bill Schaller for extra help as the situation is getting stranger by the minute and he was only 20 miles away.

I am starting to become concerned for Daryl’s brother Dennis after looking up his birth date of 1940 and it is in the 20s for air temperature. I state that we can go inside and warm up and we can go back out in a minute.

We headed into the house, and I hear a vehicle door close. I raced out to see Dennis rip around at a high rate of speed out of the yard nearly running over another neighbor on his way out.

I jumped in my truck and informed State Radio that a pursuit was on. Warden Schaller was now just up the highway and joined the pursuit.

Dennis was literally driving like an insane person; I know because I was crazy enough to follow him!

I have never gone down a section line at such high speed and Dennis had no problem testing the limits of what his truck would do.

Your mind goes to funny places during times like this and I realized that my dog Sota was strapped into his kennel in the back.

As I was coming up on Dennis an alarm went off on my truck, a low tire alarm. My tire was going flat, and I was starting to lose control of the truck rear.

I had to end my pursuit.

Warden Schaller was too far behind to catch up, but Hettinger County SO was on the way to assist.

Dennis had given us the slip for now, but I had the feeling he wouldn’t abandon his brother St. Nick, or I mean Daryl.

I went back to our starting point and asked Daryl of Dennis’s mental condition, and he stated he couldn’t believe it and was shocked.

The Hettinger County Sherriff put the New England schools on lock down while a search ensued as Dennis had weapons in the vehicle.

Dennis’s vehicle was found behind the MDU building. I looked in and the shotgun was missing.

Minutes later I discovered Dennis at the bar and brought him outside for questioning.

Dennis eventually admitted to fleeing (strangest interview I have ever had) and his vehicle was impounded, and he was arrested. Unfortunately the shotgun was never located, and Dennis was not in the helping mood.

Dennis seemed to be having mental issues which led to his odd behavior, as in his personal life he had been a lawyer and likely an intelligent fellow.

Fortunately, no one was injured, and no property was damaged in the incident.

Quite a day but as a warden you never know what adventure is coming next.

I will never forget the image of Santa Claus in the bathtub and the incident that day.

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