Permitted Fishing Tournaments
A fishing contest in which prizes or cash are given for catching fish from waters open to the public must receive a permit from the Game and Fish Department.
- Individual big fish promotions sponsored by resident, local businesses not charging any entry or participation fee.
- Any local fishing tournament charging an entry or participation fee of less than $50 per angler unless there are more than 49 participating individuals or 14 participating boats.
- An organized youth fishing event if participants are under the age of nineteen or enrolled in a high school.
- An online contest not held on a single body of water.
A completed online application, along with the tournament sponsor rules and regulations, must be submitted to the Department within 30 days of the pending contest.
Application, Post Contest Report, Provisions, Law
- Application
- Tournament permits require a $75 non-refundable application fee.
- Apply online.
- Once logged into your personal customer account, scroll down the Specialty Licenses Section. Select Fishing Tournament from the menu to begin the process.
- You must attach a digital copy of the tournament rules to the online application.
- Any tournament held by a nonprofit organization must provide a Tax Identification Number.
- Post Contest Report
- Report online.
- Similar to the application process, log into your personal customer account to complete.
- The "report" option will be available the day after the permitted event.
- The report must include the number of contest participants, the quantity and species of fish taken in the contest, and the total amount and recipient of the conservation fee.
- Failure to submit this report is justification for denial of future fishing contest permits.
- Report online.
- General Provisions
- Law