(A word association for the Ten Commandments used in the North Dakota Hunter Education program)
- ALCOHOL – Avoid the use of alcohol or other mood altering drugs before or while shooting.
- CLIMB – Never climb a fence or tree, or jump a ditch or log, with a loaded firearm.
- HARD – Never shoot a bullet at a flat, hard surface or water.
- UNLOAD – Unload firearms when not in use. Leave actions open.
- MUZZLE – Control the direction of your firearm's muzzle.
- STORE – Store firearms and ammunition separately.
- POINT – Never point a firearm at anything you do not want to shoot.
- OBSTRUCTION – Be sure the barrel and action are clear of obstructions and that you have only the ammunition of proper size for the firearm you are carrying.
- RESPECT – Treat every firearm with the same respect due a loaded firearm.
- TARGET – Identify your target and what is beyond it.