Hunter Education - Wildlife Management Worksheet
Place the letter of the correct term next to the definition.
- Conservation
- Balance
- Carrying Capacity
- Limiting Factors
- Biological Surplus
- Habitat
- Renewable Resource
- Succession
- Wildlife Management
- Preservation
- ____ The non-use of natural resources.
- ____ The number of animals each habitat can support throughout the year.
- ____ The wise use and manipulation of renewable wildlife resources. It is a field of study based on scientific fact.
- ____ The reproduction potential of wildlife to sustain healthy populations year after year.
- ____ Stability; in this case in nature, where game populations do not exceed the capacity of the habitat to support their survival.
- ____ Gradual change to habitat.
- ____ The wise use of natural resources.
- ____ Resources that can be used, managed and replenished.
- ____ Certain factors that affect the carrying capacity of species within their habitat.
- ____ The natural environment of a plant or animal that consists of the arrangement of food, water, cover and space.