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Outdoor Legislation

For more information on the North Dakota legislative sessions go to the North Dakota Legislative Branch website.

This listing will be updated throughout each session as bills are introduced and progress.

Legislation List
Bill Identification Status Hearing Date Summary House Vote Senate Vote
SB2227 Failed

A nonresident age 65 or older is entitled to purchase up to two nonresident waterfowl hunting licenses per year, with $100 of the fee for the nonresident's second license must be used for the private land open to sportsmen program. The second license would cost $150. Failed senate.

SB2228 Failed

The director shall issue six deer licenses and four spring wild turkey licenses to veterans residing in North Dakota who are selected by a nonprofit organization. Failed senate.

SB2239 Signed

Defines open records laws/exemptions of animal tracking data bases for animal health purposes, including state and federal agencies would be able to collect information to assist in animal disease control or tracing an animal disease. Declared an emergency measure.

87-0 47-0
SB2239 Signed

Repeals the annual inspection of all watercraft used for hire. Includes emergency clause.

89-2 47-0
SB2259 Failed

Would allow a nonresident to buy a waterfowl license for $200 that is valid for three periods of four consecutive days. Passed senate. Failed house.

30-63 33-13
SB2260 Failed

Would allow a nonresident who owns land in North Dakota, or any member of the family residing with the nonresident, to purchase a nonresident landowner trapping license for $100 to trap on the land. Passed senate. Failed house.

30-60 43-3
SB2261 Signed

Amends the energy conversion and transmission facilities section of the century code, relating to conditions imposed on designation of sites, corridors and routes.

81-12 41-6
SB2282 Failed

An individual over age 65 who receives a muzzleloader license to hunt deer may use a telescopic sight, with a maximum four-power magnification. Passed senate. Failed house. Motion to reconsider failed.

44-47 44-2
SB2284 Signed

A vendor who sells hunting and fishing licenses may add a 3 percent service fee to the total transaction. The service fee does not apply to license purchases or applications made through the Game and Fish Department website.

91-3 46-0
SB2285 Failed

Would allow a nonresident to purchase a statewide waterfowl license for $500 that is valid for the remainder of the season after the first week.

SB2293 Signed

Creates an aquatic nuisance species program fund in the state treasury. Effective January 1, 2020, establishes an ANS fee of $15 for each motorboat licensed in North Dakota to run concurrent with motorboat licensure, and an ANS fee of $15 to be paid for the calendar year for every boat that is not licensed in this state. Effective April 1, 2020, establishes a $2 surcharge on each resident fishing license and combination license with the exceptions for a resident who is 65 years of age or older, permanently or totally disabled, or a disabled veteran. In addition, includes a $3 surcharge on each nonresident fishing license and each nonresident waterfowl license.

67-22 41-6
SB2308 Signed

Allows a fish house and a coyote snare to be identified by a registration number provided by the Game and Fish Department.

90-2 47-0
SB2315 Failed

Would have changed the North Dakota century code on trespassing and posting of land, and provided a study. An individual may hunt on private property without obtaining permission unless the land is legally posted or the individual is asked to leave by the landowner; a landowner may submit electronic information designated posted or closed to hunters if the state or a third party develops an online database or an electronic application which identifies if land is available for hunting; a person may not act as a hunting guide or outfitter on private land without first obtaining permission from the landowner; an individual is guilty of a class B misdemeanor for a first offense and a class A misdemeanor for a second or subsequent offense for criminal trespass; and repeals a section of the century code pertaining to prima facie evidence of intent to hunt game. In addition, during the 2019-20 interim, a 14 member land access committee (with nine voting members) will study access to public and private lands for hunting, trapping and fishing and related issues, including trespass violations and penalties, and provide recommendations regarding a land access database with capabilities of electronic posting. The study committee may establish a trial electronic posting and hunter access information system in up to three counties prior to August 1, 2020, and report findings and recommendations to the 67th legislative assembly.

44-48 29-17
SB2318 Signed

Requires the pheasant hunting season to open no later than October 12.

81-10 46-0
SB2342 Signed

Any boat operated between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. may not produce a noise in excess of 88 decibels for more than 10 minutes.

60-25 29-17
SB2358 Signed

Relates to Red River valley water supply project contract terms, elimination of voter approval requirements and notice of proposed subsurface water management systems.

76-16 46-1