2019 Fish Stocking Report
Authors and Contributors
All numbers more than 1,000 are rounded to the nearest 1,000. Stocked fish are fingerlings unless otherwise noted.
Olson WPA, Barnes County (adult) | 200 |
Diamond Lake, LaMoure County (adult) | 359 |
Schlecht-Thom Dam, LaMoure County (adult) | 100 |
Crown Butte Dam, Morton County (adult) | 50 |
Clearwater Lake, Mountrail County (adult) | 320 |
East Arroda Dam, Oliver County (adult) | 93 |
West Arroda Dam, Oliver County (adult) | 109 |
Lake Elsie, Richland County (adult) | 34 |
Dickinson Dike, Stark County (adult) | 37 |
McGregor Dam, Williams County (adult) | 306 |
Kalina Dam, Bowman County (adult) | 297 |
Short Creek Dam, Burke County (adult) | 384 |
BarZ Dam, Dunn County (adult) | 196 |
Mott Watershed Dam, Hettinger County (adult) | 482 |
Glovatsky Pond, McKenzie County (adult) | 414 |
Leland Dam, McKenzie County (adult) | 124 |
Sather Dam, McKenzie County (adult) | 122 |
Riverdale City Pond, McLean County (adult) | 147 |
Harmony Lake, Mercer County (adult) | 610 |
Crown Butte Dam, Morton County (adult) | 1,000 |
Tolna Dam, Nelson County (adult) | 5,000 |
West Arroda Dam, Oliver County (adult) | 526 |
Glenburn Pond, Renville County (adult) | 120 |
Lake Elsie, Richland County (adult) | 2,000 |
Belcourt Lake, Rolette County (adult) | 493 |
Dickinson Dike, Stark County (adult) | 986 |
State Fair Pond, Ward County (adult) | 1,000 |
McGregor Dam, Williams County (adult) | 800 |
Tioga Dam, Williams County (adult) | 812 |
North Lemmon, Adams County | 350 |
Moon Lake, Barnes County | 700 |
Camels Hump Lake, Golden Valley County | 350 |
Blumhardt Dam, McIntosh County | 700 |
Fish Creek Dam, Morton County | 700 |
Nygren Dam, Morton County | 700 |
Missouri River | 21,000 |
Velva Sportsmen’s Pond, Ward County | 350 |
Mirror Lake, Adams County (adult) | 97 |
Braddock Dam, Emmons County (adult) | 210 |
Arnegard Dam, McKenzie County (adult) | 100 |
Watford City Park Pond, McKenzie County (adult) | 100 |
Camp Loop Pond, McLean County (adult) | 60 |
Gaebe Pond, Morton County (adult) | 100 |
Krieg’s Pond, Morton County (adult) | 114 |
Stanley Pond, Mountrail County (adult) | 100 |
Glenburn Pond, Renville County (adult) | 60 |
Belfield Pond, Stark County (adult) | 129 |
Dickinson Dike, Stark County (adult) | 187 |
Dickinson Reservoir, Stark County (adult) | 338 |
State Fair Pond, Ward County (adult) | 60 |
Epping-Springbrook Dam, Williams County (adult) | 298 |
West Spring Lake Pond, Williams County (adult) | 67 |
OWLS Pond, Burleigh County (adult) | 351 |
Brooks Harbor, Cass County (adult) | 138 |
Mooreton Pond, Richland County (adult) | 607 |
Little Britches Pond, Stutsman County (adult) | 100 |
Lake Sakakawea (smolt) | 551,000 |
Lake Ashtabula, Barnes County (adult) | 40 |
Lake Ashtabula, Barnes County | 22,000 |
New Johns Lake, Burleigh County | 6,000 |
Raleigh Reservoir, Grant County (adult) | 66 |
Wood Lake, Benson County | 103 |
New Johns Lake, Burleigh County | 2,000 |
Larimore Dam, Grand Forks County | 115 |
Red Willow Lake, Griggs County | 104 |
Whitman Dam, Nelson County | 113 |
Lake Ashtabula, Barnes County | 5,000 |
Lake Audubon, McLean County | 4,000 |
Lake Ashtabula, Barnes County | 532 |
Eckelson Lake South, Barnes County | 26,000 |
Carbury Dam, Bottineau County | 16,000 |
Gascoyne Lake, Bowman County (adult) | 74 |
Powers Lake, Burke County | 114,000 |
Cottonwood Park Pond, Burleigh County (adult) | 934 |
Lake Harriet (Arena Lake), Burleigh County | 93,000 |
Lake Harriet (Arena Lake), Burleigh County (fry) | 360,000 |
Mount Carmel Dam, Cavalier County | 22,000 |
Moores Lake, Dickey County | 2,000 |
Wilson Dam, Dickey County | 4,000 |
New Rockford Reservoir, Eddy County (adult) | 102 |
Warsing Dam, Eddy County (adult) | 183 |
Braddock Dam, Emmons County | 9,000 |
Fordville Dam, Grand Forks County | 17,000 |
Kolding Dam, Grand Forks County (adult) | 50 |
Kolding Dam, Grand Forks County | 1,000 |
Larimore Dam, Grand Forks County | 8,000 |
Niagara Dam, Grand Forks County (adult) | 67 |
Niagara Dam, Grand Forks County | 1,000 |
Carlson-Tande Dam, Griggs County | 2,000 |
Cherry Lake, Kidder County | 28,000 |
Etta-Alkaline Complex, Kidder County | 49,000 |
Etta-Alkaline Complex, Kidder County (fry) | 240,000 |
Helen Lake, Kidder County | 50,000 |
Horsehead Lake, Kidder County (fry) | 240,000 |
Lake Isabel, Kidder County | 23,000 |
Lake No. 5, Kidder County | 4,000 |
Long Alkaline Lake, Kidder County | 50,000 |
Cottonwood Lake, LaMoure County | 27,000 |
Kalmbach Lake, LaMoure County | 5,000 |
Schlecht-Thom Dam, LaMoure County | 2,000 |
Schlenker Dam (Lehr Dam), LaMoure County | 1,100 |
North Napoleon Lake, Logan County (fry) | 120,000 |
West Lake Napoleon, Logan County (fry) | 120,000 |
Wetzel Lake, Logan County | 19,000 |
Homestead Lake, McIntosh County | 16,000 |
Lake Hoskins, McIntosh County | 17,000 |
Serpent Lake, McIntosh County | 47,000 |
Arnegard Dam, McKenzie County | 7,000 |
Camp Loop Pond, McLean County (adult) | 28 |
Stanley Reservoir, Mountrail County | 25,000 |
Silver Creek Dam, Nelson County | 3,000 |
Tolna Dam, Nelson County | 15,000 |
East Arroda Dam, Oliver County | 3,000 |
Renwick Dam, Pembina County | 18,000 |
Balta Dam, Pierce County | 10,000 |
Sand Lake, Pierce County | 9,000 |
Lone Tree Lake (Englevale), Ransom County | 73,000 |
Bergh Slough, Sargent County (fry) | 120,000 |
Fiala Lake, Sargent County (fry) | 240,000 |
Sprague Lake, Sargent County | 20,000 |
Tosse Slough, Sargent County | 36,000 |
Coal Mine Lake, Sheridan County | 48,000 |
North (Hoffer) McClusky, Sheridan County | 10,000 |
Cysewski Lake, Stutsman County (adult) | 125 |
Homme Dam, Walsh County | 19,000 |
Makoti Lake, Ward County | 34,000 |
Sykeston Dam, Wells County | 9,000 |
East Spring Lake Pond, Williams County (adult) | 107 |
North Lemmon, Adams County | 3,000 |
Hatchery Kids Pond, Barnes County | 350 |
Moon Lake, Barnes County | 3,000 |
Strawberry Lake, Bottineau County | 700 |
Lutz Dam, Bowman County | 200 |
Northgate Dam, Burke County | 5,000 |
McDowell Dam, Burleigh County | 700 |
OWLS Pond, Burleigh County | 1,000 |
Wilton City Pond, Burleigh County | 200 |
Brooks Harbor, Cass County | 700 |
Casselton Pond, Cass County | 500 |
North Woodhaven Pond, Cass County | 700 |
Langdon City Pond, Cavalier County | 350 |
Beach City Pond, Golden Valley County | 350 |
Camels Hump Lake, Golden Valley County | 3,000 |
Ryan Park Pond, Grand Forks County | 653 |
Sheep Creek Dam, Grant County | 3,000 |
Castle Rock Dam, Hettinger County | 700 |
Mott Watershed Dam, Hettinger County | 700 |
Watford City Park Pond, McKenzie County | 350 |
Camp Loop Pond, McLean County | 350 |
Custer Mine, McLean County | 700 |
Lightning Lake, McLean County | 700 |
Painted Woods Pond, McLean County | 700 |
Riverdale City Pond, McLean County | 700 |
Harmony Lake, Mercer County | 700 |
Hazen Creek, Mercer County | 200 |
Crown Butte Dam, Morton County | 1,000 |
Fish Creek Dam, Morton County | 4,000 |
Gaebe Pond, Morton County (adult) | 120 |
Gaebe Pond, Morton County | 350 |
Harmon Lake, Morton County | 5,000 |
Krieg’s Pond, Morton County | 700 |
Little Heart Pond, Morton County | 700 |
Porsborg Dam, Morton County (adult) | 120 |
Porsborg Dam, Morton County | 1,000 |
Stanley Pond, Mountrail County | 700 |
Missouri River | 17,000 |
Turtle River | 3,000 |
Oliver County Sportsmen’s Pond, Oliver County | 200 |
West Arroda Dam, Oliver County | 700 |
Mooringstone Pond, Ransom County | 150 |
Glenburn Pond, Renville County | 350 |
Mooreton Pond, Richland County | 2,000 |
Hooker Lake, Rolette County | 1,000 |
Davis Dam, Slope County | 1,000 |
Belfield Pond, Stark County (adult) | 120 |
Belfield Pond, Stark County | 700 |
Dickinson Dike, Stark County (adult) | 120 |
Dickinson Dike, Stark County | 2,000 |
Little Britches Pond, Stutsman County | 150 |
State Fair Pond, Ward County | 350 |
Velva Sportsmen’s Pond, Ward County | 700 |
Kettle Lake, Williams County | 700 |
Kota-Ray Dam, Williams County | 2,000 |
McGregor Dam, Williams County | 2,000 |
West Spring Lake Pond, Williams County (adult) | 120 |
West Spring Lake Pond, Williams County | 350 |
Moores Lake, Dickey County (adult) | 100 |
Kulm-Edgeley Dam, LaMoure County (adult) | 182 |
Tolna Dam, Nelson County (adult) | 221 |
Epping-Springbrook Dam, Williams County (adult) | 153 |
McLeod (Ray) Reservoir, Williams County (adult) | 142 |
Mirror Lake, Adams County | 3,000 |
North Lemmon, Adams County | 7,000 |
Lake Ashtabula, Barnes County | 2,000,000 |
Lake Ashtabula, Barnes County (fry) | 1,900,000 |
Clausen Springs, Barnes County | 5,000 |
Fox Lake, Barnes County | 41,000 |
Island Lake, Barnes County | 38,000 |
Kee Lake, Barnes County | 31,000 |
Moon Lake, Barnes County | 16,000 |
Mosher WPA, Barnes County | 25,000 |
St. Mary’s Lake, Barnes County | 16,000 |
Sweetwater Lake, Barnes County | 5,000 |
Wood Lake, Benson County | 15,000 |
Boundary Lake, Bottineau County | 14,000 |
Long Lake, Bottineau County | 12,000 |
Loon Lake, Bottineau County | 13,000 |
Lake Metigoshe, Bottineau County | 35,000 |
Northgate Dam, Burke County | 14,000 |
Short Creek Dam, Burke County | 18,000 |
Smishek Lake, Burke County | 7,000 |
Crimmins WPA, Burleigh County | 30,000 |
Mount Carmel Dam, Cavalier County | 51,000 |
Pheasant Lake, Dickey County | 25,000 |
Baukol-Noonan Dam, Divide County | 7,000 |
Lake Ilo, Dunn County | 123,000 |
Lake Coe, Eddy County | 70,000 |
North Lake Washington, Eddy County | 51,000 |
Warsing Dam, Eddy County | 9,000 |
Rice Lake, Emmons County | 80,000 |
Dry Lake, Foster County | 75,000 |
Fordville Dam, Grand Forks County | 25,000 |
Heart Butte Reservoir, Grant County | 321,000 |
Raleigh Reservoir, Grant County | 12,000 |
Lake Addie, Griggs County | 25,000 |
Red Willow Lake, Griggs County | 21,000 |
Blickensderfer Dam, Hettinger County | 5,000 |
Alkaline Lake, Kidder County | 201,000 |
Des Moines Lake, Kidder County | 50,000 |
Geier Lake, Kidder County | 30,000 |
Lake Geneva, Kidder County | 24,000 |
Jasper Lake, Kidder County | 40,000 |
Lake Josephine, Kidder County | 40,000 |
Koenig North, Kidder County | 25,000 |
Pelican Lake, Kidder County | 8,000 |
Round Lake, Kidder County | 20,000 |
Sibley Lake, Kidder County | 101,000 |
Swan Lake, Kidder County | 30,000 |
Willow Lake, Kidder County | 50,000 |
Woodhouse Lake, Kidder County | 30,000 |
Boom Lake (Marion Lake), LaMoure County | 29,000 |
Diamond Lake, LaMoure County | 76,000 |
Kulm-Edgeley Dam, LaMoure County | 4,000 |
Lake LaMoure, LaMoure County | 49,000 |
Twin Lakes, LaMoure County | 100,000 |
Braun Lake, Logan County | 8,000 |
Logan Lake, Logan County | 60,000 |
Marvin Miller Lake, Logan County | 15,000 |
Mundt Lake, Logan County | 20,000 |
Ost Lake, Logan County | 29,000 |
Railroad Lake, Logan County | 15,000 |
Thurn Lake, Logan County | 10,000 |
West Lake Napoleon, Logan County | 106,000 |
Buffalo Lodge Lake, McHenry County | 153,000 |
Round Lake, McHenry County (fry) | 300,000 |
Coldwater Lake, McIntosh County | 52,000 |
Dollinger-Schnabel Lake, McIntosh County | 34,000 |
Dry Lake, McIntosh County | 190,000 |
Green Lake, McIntosh County | 39,000 |
Harr Lake, McIntosh County | 21,000 |
Kislingbury Lake, McIntosh County | 60,000 |
Miller Lake, McIntosh County | 64,000 |
Coal Lake, McLean County | 40,000 |
Coal Lake, McLean County (fry) | 100,000 |
Crooked Lake, McLean County | 96,000 |
Scooby Lake, McLean County | 45,000 |
Danzig Dam, Morton County | 20,000 |
Sweet Briar Lake, Morton County | 20,000 |
Clearwater Lake, Mountrail County | 14,000 |
White Earth Dam, Mountrail County | 20,000 |
McVille Dam, Nelson County | 6,000 |
Stump Lake, Nelson County | 550,000 |
Tolna Dam, Nelson County | 25,000 |
Whitman Dam, Nelson County | 22,000 |
Devils Lake | 900,000 |
Lake Sakakawea | 1,900,000 |
Sheyenne River | 18,000 |
Souris River (Mouse River) (fry) | 300,000 |
Antelope Lake, Pierce County | 101,000 |
Lake Darling, Renville County | 500,000 |
Elm Lake, Richland County (fry) | 400,000 |
Lake Elsie, Richland County | 40,000 |
Four Corners Lake, Richland County | 10,000 |
Four Corners Lake, Richland County (fry) | 100,000 |
Gullys Slough, Richland County | 100,000 |
Haus Lake, Richland County | 5,000 |
Horseshoe Lake, Richland County | 11,000 |
Lueck Lake, Richland County | 35,000 |
Reiland Lake, Richland County | 11,000 |
Reiland Lake, Richland County (fry) | 100,000 |
Vislisel Lake, Richland County (fry) | 100,000 |
West Moran Lake, Richland County | 30,000 |
Carpenter Lake, Rolette County | 79,000 |
Gordon Lake, Rolette County | 13,000 |
Gravel Lake, Rolette County | 15,000 |
Upsilon Lake, Rolette County | 59,000 |
Alkali Lake, Sargent County | 9,000 |
Buffalo Lake, Sargent County | 25,000 |
Consolidated Lake, Sargent County | 35,000 |
Deuce Lake, Sargent County | 15,000 |
Kraft Slough, Sargent County | 101,000 |
Nelson Lake, Sargent County | 2,000 |
Ole Breum Lake, Sargent County | 13,000 |
Ole Breum Lake, Sargent County (fry) | 100,000 |
Silver Lake, Sargent County | 19,000 |
Sprague Lake, Sargent County | 25,000 |
Lake Walstead, Sargent County | 5,000 |
Hinsz Lake, Sheridan County | 50,000 |
Kaibel Lake, Sheridan County (adult) | 141 |
Froelich Dam, Sioux County | 15,000 |
Cedar Lake, Slope County | 11,000 |
Dickinson Reservoir, Stark County | 152,000 |
North Golden Lake, Steele County | 41,000 |
South Golden Lake, Steele County | 11,000 |
Barnes Lake, Stutsman County | 50,000 |
Crystal Springs, Stutsman County | 20,000 |
Foot Lake, Stutsman County | 20,000 |
Hehn-Schaffer Lake, Stutsman County | 10,000 |
Hoggarth Dam, Stutsman County | 41,000 |
Jamestown Reservoir, Stutsman County (adult) | 124 |
Jamestown Reservoir, Stutsman County | 159,000 |
Jamestown Reservoir, Stutsman County (fry) | 1,000,000 |
Mud and Pearl lakes, Stutsman County | 150,000 |
Pipestem Reservoir, Stutsman County (adult) | 60 |
Pipestem Reservoir, Stutsman County | 100,000 |
Pipestem Reservoir, Stutsman County (fry) | 900,000 |
R and M Lake, Stutsman County | 10,000 |
Reule Lake, Stutsman County | 150,000 |
Spiritwood Lake, Stutsman County | 25,000 |
Stirton Lake, Stutsman County | 40,000 |
Trautman Slough, Stutsman County | 45,000 |
Wanzek Slough, Stutsman County | 25,000 |
Armourdale Dam, Towner County | 10,000 |
Bisbee Dam-Big Coulee, Towner County | 35,000 |
Bylin Dam, Walsh County | 11,000 |
Silver Lake WMA, Wells County | 36,000 |
Blacktail Dam, Williams County | 25,000 |
Cottonwood Lake, Williams County | 70,000 |
Epping-Springbrook Dam, Williams County | 3,000 |
Kota-Ray Dam, Williams County | 3,000 |
McLeod (Ray) Reservoir, Williams County | 7,000 |
OWLS Pond, Burleigh County (adult) | 210 |
East Arroda Dam, Oliver County (adult) | 77 |
West Arroda Dam, Oliver County (adult) | 324 |
Lake Ashtabula, Barnes County (adult) | 60,000 |
Hatchery Kids Pond, Barnes County (adult) | 1,000 |
Gascoyne Lake, Bowman County (adult) | 660 |
Short Creek Dam, Burke County (adult) | 3,000 |
Heinrich Lake, Dickey County (adult) | 15,000 |
Pheasant Lake, Dickey County (adult) | 26,000 |
Lake Ilo, Dunn County (adult) | 3,000 |
Larson Lake, Hettinger County (adult) | 25,000 |
Lake LaMoure, LaMoure County (adult) | 26,000 |
Green Lake, McIntosh County (adult) | 6,000 |
McIntosh WMA, McIntosh County (adult) | 6,000 |
Triangle Y Pond, McLean County (adult) | 2,000 |
Krieg’s Pond, Morton County (adult) | 3,000 |
Lone Tree Lake (Englevale), Ransom County (adult) | 12,000 |
Lake Elsie, Richland County (adult) | 1,000 |
Bergh Slough, Sargent County (adult) | 8,000 |
Deuce Lake, Sargent County (adult) | 8,000 |
Fiala Lake, Sargent County (adult) | 11,000 |
Belfield Pond, Stark County (adult) | 1,000 |
Dickinson Reservoir, Stark County (adult) | 30,000 |
Gaier Lake, Stutsman County (adult) | 6,000 |
Jamestown Reservoir, Stutsman County (adult) | 6,000 |
Little Britches Pond, Stutsman County (adult) | 1,000 |
Armourdale Dam, Towner County (adult) | 2,000 |
State Fair Pond, Ward County (adult) | 8,000 |
Sykeston Dam, Wells County (adult) | 2,000 |
Cottonwood Lake, Williams County (adult) | 3,000 |
Tioga Dam, Williams County (adult) | 1,000 |