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Meadowlark Initiative Landowner/Producer Assistance Programs Contact Form

Connecting Wildlife and Ranching

Native grass planting, fencing, water or other infrastructure for working grasslands - which is the right choice for your operation? The Meadowlark Initiative combines the resources of conservation and agriculture partners to provide the best in financial and technical assistance programs.

If you are looking for additional ways to keep your grasslands healthy, grow your cattle and improve your bottom line, contact the Meadowlark Initiative by completing the form below or by calling Meadowlark Initiative Coordinator Heather Husband at 701-223-8501.

(If you have problems accessing the form below, please use the direct link here.)


USDA-NRCS ND Game and Fish Dept. US Fish and Wildlife Service ND Natural Resources Trust Audubon Dakota The Nature Conservancy Ducks Unlimited Pheasants Forever The Mule Deer Foundation Delta Waterfowl ND Grazing Lands Coalition Northern Great Plains Joint Venture Ecological Insights • World Wildlife Fund • Millborn Seeds Xerces SocietyNorth American Grouse Partnership

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