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Clean, Drain, Dry

Water recreationists should do their part to help prevent the spread of aquatic nuisance species in North Dakota.

While the effort to stop the transportation of ANS has been mostly successful, challenges remain as not all anglers, pleasure boaters and other water enthusiasts are abiding by the clean, drain, dry message.

North Dakota waters remain relatively free of aquatic nuisance species. Besides common carp, most species – zebra mussels, Eurasian water milfoil, flowering rush, curlyleaf pondweed and three species of invasive carp – are only found in a handful of waters in the state.

To keep our waters clean of aquatic nuisance species, the Game and Fish Department reminds all water users to clean, drain and dry all equipment after every use.

  • Clean and remove all plants and animals from watercraft or equipment prior to leaving any recreational area.
  • Drain all water from watercraft and equipment before leaving designated access points. Not draining water can be extremely hazardous and may cause negligent transportation of aquatic nuisance species to other locations.
  • Dry all equipment completely before using again.