NASBLA Accepting Nominations for 2025 Awards
The 2025 Butch Potts Boating Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award and the 2025 Pamela S. Dillon Boating Educator of the Year Award are now open for nomination submissions.
The deadline to submit nominations is March 31.
Nominations for the Butch Potts award is open to all commissioned, certified or sworn peace officers authorized by the state to enforce recreational boating safety laws of that state. Boating law administrators should nominate candidates who have made an outstanding contribution to boating safety through enforcement.
Educators and volunteers from state and local agencies and from nonprofit organizations are eligible for the Pamela S. Dillon award. Boating law administrators should nominate candidates who have made an outstanding contribution to boating safety through education. A nominee should be someone in the education field who goes above and beyond to engage students and boaters, raise awareness, and make boating education and education initiatives relevant, thorough and exciting.
This awards program is one of the many benefits the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators offers to its members, to recognize individuals for their outstanding accomplishments. Nominations are free to submit and provide an excellent opportunity to highlight exceptional professionals in North Dakota.
Regional and national awards in both categories will be presented during the NASBLA annual conference Sept. 16-18 in Des Moines, Iowa.
North Dakota nominations can only be submitted through Jackie Lundstrom, the state’s boating law administrator. They should include a letter of nomination and a photograph of the nominee for use by NASBLA. Nominations can be submitted by email to jalundst@nd.gov or by mail to North Dakota Game and Fish Department, Attn: BLA Lundstrom, 100 N. Bismarck Expressway, Bismarck, ND 58501.