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Greater White-fronted Goose

Greater White-fronted Goose

North Dakota Game Species
Fact Sheet
Scientific Name Anser albifrons
Wing spread 60 inches
Body length 29 inches
Weight 6.3 pounds
Description Both sexes have pinkish bills, white face patches, and grayish-brown heads, necks and bodies. Breast is marked with black blotches and bars, and legs are orange.
Nesting Habitat Nest on the ground in upland areas and tidal flats of arctic rivers, and coastal plains of Canada and Alaska.
Clutch size 5 eggs
Incubation period 23 days
Status in North Dakota The white-fronted goose is fairly common during migration seasons, but does not nest in North Dakota.
Food habits Grazes primarily on foliage grasses, seeds and tubers on tundra breeding grounds. Feed heavily on agricultural crops during migration and on wintering grounds.
Fun Facts Dark blotches and irregular bars on the breast have led to the common name of specklebelly or tiger breast. They are a trophy bird for North Dakota goose hunters.