Pollinator Resources
- North Dakota Pollinators Fact Sheet
- Butterflies and Moths of North America - collect and share Lepidoptera sightings
- Bumble Bee Watch - submit photographs of bumble bees for experts to identify them
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
- National Wetland Plant List (US Army Corps of Engineers)
- North Dakota Tree Handbook (NDSU)
- Plants Database (USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service)
Pollinator Gardens and Plantings
- Living Landscapes in North Dakota - A Guide to Native Plantscaping (UDSA Natural Resource Conservation Service)
- Xerces Society - many resources including books, fact sheets, identification guides, reducing harm to pollinators from pesticides
- Million Pollinator Garden Challenge - a collaboration of national, regional and local gardening clubs to create pollinator habitat
- National Wildlife Federation Garden for Wildlife - community, schoolyard landscapers and gardening tips
- North Dakota State University Extension Service - resources include demonstration gardens and publications on designing gardens for butterflies and pollinators
- Pollinator Partnership - gardening and planting guides, pollinator learning center
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Pollinators - podcasts and videos, pollinator gardens and trails, and more
- Ecoregions of North America
- North Dakota Plant Materials Center (NRCS)
- Bee and Butterfly Fund - A program that provides seed for larger plantings
- Living Landscapes in North Dakota - A Guide to Native Plantscaping (UDSA Natural Resource Conservation Service)
- Prairie Reconstruction Guidebook for North Dakota
- U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service - financial and technical support for pollinators on farms, ranch or back yards
- U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Ecosystem and Vegetation Management - guidance for state and local transportation agencies to create or increase pollinator habitat within highway roadsides, and best management practices for pollinator-friendly roadside vegetation management
- U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Celebrating Wildflowers - U.S. Forest Service botanists and other specialists provide information on wildflowers on national forests and grasslands and the values of native plants
- National Wildlife Federation Garden for Wildlife
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Monarch Butterflies
- Monarch Joint Venture - provides numerous free resources such as Gardening for Monarchs, Rearing Monarchs Responsibly or School Butterfly Gardens
- Teaching about the Magnificent Monarch: Resource Recommendations for Conservation Educators
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Save the Monarch Butterfly - funding, monarch projects, and monarch conservation