Assessing the current and projected future distribution of a recently re-establishing fisher (Martes pennanti) population in eastern North Dakota (SWG T-12-R)
Fishers (Martes pennanti) were extirpated from North Dakota during the late 19th century; however, there has been an increase in verified fisher sightings over the past 10 years, which likely includes individuals from an expanding Minnesota population. I evaluated fishers’ current and projected future distribution in the eastern half of North Dakota through verified reports, presence-absence field data, and simulation modeling. Additionally, the Red River of the North (North Dakota and Minnesota border) experienced an extreme flood event, which inundated all riparian forests within the study area from about 23 March–22 May 2009 and I also examined the effects of this extreme flood event on detection rates between 2008 and 2009 on a portion of the Red River.