Gifting Game
Gifting While in the Field
- Gifted game and fish must have all required identification attached to the animal(s). Tagging requirements may be found in the hunting and fishing guides and proclamations.
- Gifted game and fish must also be tagged with the following information:
- Hunter/angler's name
- Hunter/angler's license number
- Harvest date
- Species
- Animal count
- When gifting a whole big game animal before it is processed, the animal needs to be properly tagged by the original license holder, the carcass tag needs to remain with the animal, and a transportation permit (available from Game and Fish game wardens) is needed if the carcass is transported by someone other than the license holder.
Gifting Post Processing/Packaging (out of the field)
Once game and fish has been taken home and processed there are no identification requirements for gifting. We do suggest that you put your name, the species and the fact that you are giving the meat away as a gift on any gifted meat, but it is not required.
Shipping Game and Fish
There are labeling requirements when shipping game. In addition to state regulations there are federal regulations that apply when shipping waterfowl. The following information must be on the package label when shipping game or fish.
- Shipper's Information
- Name
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- North Dakota nonresident license number (where applicable)
- Consignee's Information
- Name
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Contents (Must be number and species specific, i.e. 2 mallards,1 pintail, etc.)
Note: The total number of game or fish shipped in any season may not exceed a possession limit.
The Department provides a labeling form that may be used when shipping. Completing and attaching this form to the package meets the North Dakota and federal labeling requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
If I reached my daily limit but then gift some of that game to someone else, can I continue to hunt?
No. Once you have reached your daily limit, you cannot continue to hunt that species regardless of whether you keep them or gift them.
If I gift game in the field, how does it affect my possession limit?
Your possession limit is different than your daily limit. You can reduce your possession limit by giving them to someone else for their use, provided it is done legally.
I accepted game from a friend, but that game was not properly labeled. Can I get in trouble for that?
No. The responsibilities associated with giving game are on the person who is giving it, not on the person who is receiving it.