The Duck Factory: A History of Waterfowl in North Dakota
The Duck Factory: A History of Waterfowl in North Dakota
Authors: Mike Jacobs and Erik Fritzell
Foreword, Afterword: Mike Johnson and Mike Szymanski respectively, (Waterfowl Biologists, North Dakota Game and Fish Department)
Published By: The North Dakota Game and Fish Department, 2019
Pages: 213
Price: $24.99 (includes domestic shipping)
The Duck Factory tells the fascinating story of encounters between ducks and people in the heart of the Prairie Pothole Region. The book describes the colorful and contentious history of waterfowl and waterfowl management in North Dakota, complete with stories of the people who hunt them, protect them, study them, enjoy them and work to guarantee their continued importance in North Dakota.
Illustrated with historic pictures and color photographs of waterfowl and North Dakota landscapes.