84 Percent
Boy, do I have a deal for you.
Dad recently stumbled across an old brochure I made when I was a kid, judging by the level of computer involvement and the lack of any egregious spelling errors, my guess would be that I was somewhere around 11 or 12 years old when I made it.
It’s a brochure advertising “Cayla’s Fishing Guide Services,” complete with my home address and no longer in-service landline phone number, a list of lake and species options, and incredibly reasonable pricing packages.
For just $5, you and your group of anglers can even add on a shore lunch.
While the brochure provided a chuckle when Dad gave it to me, it also unveiled a time capsule of memories of weekends spent at his house.
My brother and I often cut fish pictures from the many outdoor magazines Dad subscribed to and used glue sticks to put them into our own individual “fish books.”
For a while, I even had them all employed on my own version of Minnesota Outdoor News where we put out semi-monthly editions of fishing tips (brother’s job), cartoons (Dad’s job), and the artwork and feature pieces of my own doing.

In those days it was simply a way to pass time when we weren’t actually fishing (I don’t recall doing a lot of ice fishing back then).
No matter, I love how even though we were inside exploring our artistic sides, it was still tied to the outdoors.
Even better, it’s so fun to reflect on how innocent and unintentional those days were and yet how closely it mirrors what I do today for the Department.
I highly doubt any guiding endeavors of mine would be all that fruitful these days, but perhaps my favorite page in the brochure is the “About” page, where I laughably boast an “84% Quality Level.”
I’m not entirely sure what that entails, and why in this fictious brochure it’s not much higher, but perhaps the best part is the last sentence: “Cayla started this business to get more people involved in fishing and help those who already are.”
Sounds a little like an R3 coordinator to me.
One thing’s for sure, I can’t let this get around because there’s still a coupon on the back for one free hour of guide services that expires “never.”