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Parenting on Ice

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People ice fishing

Last Saturday was the last nice day of our fool’s spring, at least for the foreseeable future.

In desperate need of some time outside, with at least an ounce of selfish gain, I organized a bit of a “parenting on ice” outing.

Juggling nap times, drive time and bedtimes, we bought ourselves about a three-hour window of at least being able to catch a fish between four other sets of parents with kids ranging from one month to 8 years old, plus a bonus bird dog.

Kid showing off fish he caught ice fishing

We sort of intentionally picked a lake that would provide some action for the older kids in the form of endless small perch, and the chance at a larger walleye for the adults if you could fend off the nibbles and luck into one.

Yet, like you’d imagine, most of the time was spent distributing snacks, wiping noses, baiting hooks, pulling sleds and enjoying some adult conversations here and there.

Nobody ever landed a walleye, but the weather was perfect and the company better.

So much so that nobody really utilized the few shacks we erected for warming up and diaper changes.

And while I could care little about 6-inch perch, Fischer seemed to enjoy the concept that he could continuously say “more,” and I could mostly fulfill his wishes in another minute or two of jigging.

If only that were the case with the walleyes.

But hands down, the best part about the outing was the community aspect of it all.

Kid taking a close look at a perch caught while ice fishing

While not all were well-acquainted, everyone is in this intense phase of life and wants the outdoors to be a part of their kids’ lives, and it was unexpectedly nourishing to witness and participate in that, especially amongst other moms.

It was cool to see the different phases of parenthood.

Moms ahead of us were no doubt still catering to the needs of their children but had a little more time to fish and chat while their kids played with the others.

Meanwhile, a brand-new mom had a baby strapped to her all evening and I was somewhere in between, squeezing in a few minutes of jigging and chatting between answering the endless string of mama requests.

As I write this, our fool’s spring has vanished, replaced by a runny nose and other symptoms.

We’re in the throes of another sickness and back to being stuck inside with more screentime and fewer fish kisses than we’d all prefer.

Even so, just a few hours on the ice with like-minded parents was the refresh I needed.

Kids on ice fishing trip

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