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American Wigeons

American Wigeon

North Dakota Game Species
Fact Sheet
Scientific Name Anas americana
Wing spread 34 inches
Body length 20 inches
Weight 1.8 pounds
Description Males are small- to medium-sized grayish brown ducks. From late fall through spring,males have a white crown on head, green eye patch and a rectangular white wing patch. Females are a drab brownish gray. Both sexes have glossy green and black wing speculum, an elliptical white belly, and blue bill with black tip.
Nesting Habitat Nests in upland grasslands and in clumps of buckbrush.
Clutch size 9 eggs
Incubation period 24 days
Status in North Dakota Wigeon are common during migration, and nests in low densities throughout the state.
Food habits Feeds in wetlands on stems and leaves of aquatic plants, and occasionally waste grains.
Fun Facts Another common name for this duck is baldpate. Wigeon often feed near diving ducks, snatching away plants the diving ducks have brought to the surface.