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Ring-necked Duck Group

Ring-necked Duck

North Dakota Game Species
Fact Sheet
Scientific Name Aythya collaris
Wing spread 28 inches
Body length 17 inches
Weight 1.6 pounds
Description The ring-necked duck is medium-sized.Males have a purplish iridescent head, black back, white belly and reddish ring around the neck. Females are a nondescript gray brown. Both sexes have a gray bill with white ring and black tip, dark grayish with greenish iridescence on shoulder of wing and a dull pearl gray speculum.
Nesting Habitat Ring-necked ducks generally nest over water on floating vegetation mats or in clumps of emergent vegetation.
Clutch size 9 eggs
Incubation period 26 days
Status in North Dakota The ring-necked duck is uncommon during nesting and fall migratory seasons in North Dakota, and often seen in association with scaup.
Food habits Feeds on aquatic insects, bulrush seeds, sedge and smartweed, as well as the leafy portions of coontail and duckweed.
Fun Facts Ring-necked ducks tend to feed in shallower water than other diving ducks, usually less than 6 feet deep. Also, they tend to leap into flight like puddle ducks and at times tip up to feed.