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Ruddy Duck Pair

Ruddy Duck

North Dakota Game Species
Fact Sheet
Scientific Name Oxyura jamaicensis
Wing spread 23 inches
Body length 15 inches
Weight 1.2 pounds
Description The ruddy duck is a small duck with a compact body shape. Males have a reddish brown body, white face patch, dark brown cap, and blue bill. Females have a grayish brown body. Both sexes have a nondescript brownish wing with white flecking.
Nesting Habitat Ruddy ducks generally nest in bulrush and cattail stands surrounding wetlands.
Clutch size 8 eggs
Incubation period 24 days
Status in North Dakota Ruddy ducks are common during nesting and migration seasons in North Dakota.
Food habits Feeds primarily on bulrush seeds and aquatic insect larvae.
Fun Facts Ruddy ducks are sometimes referred to as bull-necked teal because of their chunky bodies and thick necks.