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State Wildlife Grant - T-15-R

Project Overview
Project Title
Sage-steppe Prairie Conservation Planning
Target Species
Sage-steppe species including
July 2006 – June 2010
Deb O'Neill Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

Project Description

Degradation and loss of sage-steppe and prairie habitats have contributed to many species in these habitats becoming federally listed as endangered or threatened, or recognized by states and other entities as imperiled, at risk, etc. Further declines in sage-steppe and prairie habitats will increase the number of at-risk, etc. species and lead to further federal listings. Many of the affected or potentially affected species are migratory, and/or have distributions that include two or more states. Multi-state conservation efforts are thus essential to addressing these problems and to ensuring that such species are restored to or maintained at levels sufficient to ensure long-term viability and to preclude the need for federal listing. Key elements of success in such efforts will be: (a) a cohesive, comprehensive rangewide conservation strategy; (b) effective coordination to develop the rangewide strategy; and (c) strong support in each state, and among diverse interested and affected parties within the target area for developing a rangewide strategy.