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State Wildlife Grant - T-4-1

Project Overview
Project Title
Upgrade and Conversion of North Dakota Natural Heritage Database to Biotics/HDMS (a GIS based computer platform)
Target Species
All North Dakota species
April 2004 – June 2006
Kathy Duttenhefner, ND Parks and Recreation Dept./ Natural Heritage Program

Project Description

An essential component of conserving species in North Dakota is compiling the best available information about species distribution and species status. Conservation of rare or declining species is not possible without reliable distribution data. Currently, the North Dakota Game and Fish Department (NDGFD) maintains species distribution databases and North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department’s Natural Heritage Program (NDPRD/NHP) has been maintaining a rare animal and plant and natural community database for over 20 years. Information from both these databases is needed to develop conservation plans for a majority of the nongame species in North Dakota.