State Wildlife Grant - T-6-R
Project Overview | |
Project Title |
Distribution and Abundance of the Long-billed Curlew in SW ND
Target Species |
Long-billed Curlew
Timeline |
Feb. 2005 – June 2007
Investigators |
Dr. Richard Crawford and Dan Ackerman, University of North Dakota
Project Description
The current lack of an accurate breeding survey for curlews in North Dakota makes the detection of population change difficult, which in turn compromises the ability to determine the success or failure of habitat enhancement or protection efforts. The development of an appropriate monitoring protocol will allow curlew population trends to be accurately monitored throughout the curlew’s breeding range in North Dakota. In addition to providing current locations of breeding curlews, study results will determine preferred habitat in southwestern North Dakota, which will allow state and federal resource personnel to focus their management attention and efforts (e.g., habitat protection and restoration/enhancement via landowner incentives) on priority areas. Because habitat loss has been identified as the single greatest threat to curlews, identification of areas of suitable habitat is especially important. Documenting basic aspects of curlew populations and habitat will contribute to the development of North Dakota’s CWCS. Protocol for subsequent trend monitoring of North Dakota’s curlew population will also be developed.