Grass Carp
Scientific Name | (Ctenopharyngodon idella) |
Classification and Permitting Level | 1 - Prohibited Aquatic Nuisance Species |
Species Description | Grass carp is a large-bodied (up to 60 inches and 100 pounds) invasive fish with large scales that have a dark edging, a short dorsal fin, and a slightly pointed snout. It is very similar in appearance to the invasive black carp and can be distinguished from common carp by the lack of barbels on grass carp. |
Preferred Habitat | It can be found in shallow, slow moving or still water of lakes, ponds, pools, and backwaters of large rivers. |
Reason for ANS Designation | This fish consumes large quantities of aquatic vegetation, which can have negative impacts on water quality and native species. Once established, there is no good control method. |
Place of Origin | Grass carp is native to eastern Asia but was introduced to the United States in 1973 for aquaculture use. Grass carp are often stocked to control aquatic vegetation, though their use is generally restricted to sterile individuals or outright prohibited. |
Stopping the Spread | Do not attempt to stock a new species into a waterbody. Besides usually being illegal, new introductions of fish species may disrupt the current ecosystem. |
Additional Information | USGS Fact Sheet USGS Species Information |