Make a Difference - Habitat and Hunters

Buy a Duck Stamp
Dollars from Duck Stamp purchases contribute to millions of acres of grassland and wetland habitat.
Make landowner connections
- Get to know landowners in your hunting areas through conversations.
- Offer to help with their farm and ranch.
- Express gratitude for the hunting opportunities they provide.

Consider a donation to the PLOTS program
Directly support the PLOTS program with a donation when you purchase your next license.
Buy Local
Supporting local farms and ranches helps keep grassland habitats on the landscape.

Buy a hunting license
License fees support state wildlife conservation.
Support dedicated funding for conservation
Outdoor Heritage Fund, Farm Bill conservation programs and others provide critical support to get habitat on the landscape.

Get engaged with the legislature
Local, state and federal politics dictate habitat conservation funding. Know your legislators and voice your opinion.
Donate to a conservation organization
These funds are often matched to leverage even more dollars.

Educate yourself and others about the importance of habitat conservation
More voices have a greater impact.
Join a local wildlife club
Get directly involved in fundraising, outreach and on-the-ground conservation in your community.

Pass it on
Ensure hunting and wildlife conservation remain a part of our heritage by mentoring another hunter.
Complete your harvest survey
Participating in NDGF surveys about your hunting and fishing activities helps manage wildlife.