NASP Grant
NASP Grants and Funding Sources
North Dakota Game and Fish Department NASP Grant
The Department has created a NASP grant to help schools get started.
This grant provides up to 50% of equipment start-up costs.
The school must provide at least 50% matching funds. Other state, federal and nongovernmenal organization grant funds may be used for match.
How To Apply
- A letter of support signed by the school's principal is required prior to initiating NASP. This letter should state that he or she is aware of and supports the program and that it will be offered to students as part of their regular physical education curriculum during school hours.
- Determine the matching fund sources.
- Submit the grant application and letter of support to the North Dakota Game and Fish Department.
Once your school is approved for the grant, you will receive a contract which must be signed by the principal and returned to the Department. Once your funding is in place and/or your grant has been approved the state NASP coordinator will work with you to order equipment and schedule training.
NASP Costs
Starndard Startup Archery Kit
Cost: 3,000 (variable)
The standard startup archery kit includes 12 Genesis bows, five targets, five dozen arrows, an arrow curtain, a bow rack, and a repair kit.
Cost: Travel Expenses
The NASP Basic Archery Instructor workshop is an eight hour course. There is no charge for the training; however, the school is responsible for any travel charges.
Annual Expenses
Cost: $200-$500
Recurring expenses generally include target face and arrow replacement, painters tape and floor quivers.
Other Funding Sources
Many schools have obtained grants from state, local, and national conservation and shooting sports organizations to help purchase the startup kit.
We recommend that you start locally and work your way to national organizations (funding from national organizations generally requires more time and effort to secure).
Suggested Grant Sources:
- Boys and Girls clubs, Moose Lodge, Elks
- State and national sporting goods retailers, local archery shops, etc.
- Banks
- Local chapters of National Wild Turkey Federation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Mule Deer Foundation
- National chapters of the above and Whitetails Unlimited
- For additional fundraising ideas, go to the NASP website at: naspschools.org/ click on Instructor Resources and look for Fundraising Ideas.