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North Dakota Game and Fish Department Website Help Center

North Dakota Game and Fish Department Website Help Center

Private Lands FAQs

PLOTS for Landowners

How do I enroll my land into the PLOTS program?

Contact a biologist in your area for specific information or click Contact Me to be contacted by a biologist. You'll be asked to provide your contact information and the county where the property is located and a biologist will contact you to discuss options.

Can I hay or graze on PLOTS?

Most PLOTS agreements allow some form of haying or grazing depending on the type of PLOTS agreement. Amount, frequency and duration of haying and grazing vary based on type of agreement. In addition, biologists can assist landowners in developing haying and grazing management plans that benefit the landowner's operation as well as wildlife habitat. Cost-share for fencing and other infrastructure is available in some cases.

Who is responsible for weed control on PLOTS?

The landowner or renter is responsible for weed control on PLOTS.

Am I liable if a hunter gets injured while hunting my land enrolled in PLOTS?

North Dakota statute protects landowners who lease their land to the state for recreational purposes. Landowners are not liable for anyone getting injured on property enrolled in PLOTS. Refer to North Dakota Century Code 53-08-04 or contact the Department for more information regarding limited liability.

Can I cancel my PLOTS agreement?

Cancellation provisions vary depending on the type of PLOTS agreement. In some cases, reimbursement for payments or cost-share is required; however, the Department will work with a landowner to make reasonable accommodations for cancellation of PLOTS agreements. Any agreement cancelled within the hunting season will be required to pay additional liquidated damages due to the inconvenience it will cause the hunting public.

What does PLOTS pay? How long is a PLOTS agreement?

Payments vary depending upon land use and type of agreement. Some agreements are annual payments while others are one-time upfront payments. Agreement lengths vary from two years up to as long as 30 years. For specific information, please contact a biologist in your area or click "Contact Me" to be contacted by a biologist.

I have expired CRP or CRP soon set to expire? What are my options with PLOTS?

There are a suite of options available through PLOTS, including maintaining the existing cover, enhancing the cover, using the cover for haying or grazing, farming portions of the land and leaving other portions, planting high diversity food plots, cover crops or other grasses and many more. Payments and agreement details vary. For specific information please contact a biologist in your area or click Contact Me to be contacted by a biologist.

Will enrolling in PLOTS restrict energy development on my property?

No. PLOTS agreements do not restrict this activity, however, landowners may make a request to companies to specify the location of a drilling pad, access road, pipelines or other infrastructure to avoid or minimize impacts to their operation. The Department can assist the landowner with these decisions to ensure measures are taken to minimize habitat loss, reduce impacts to the landowner's operation and the ensure development will not hinder the intended use for hunting access. The Department encourages landowners to work with energy companies early in the lease negotiation process to minimize impacts.

My land is already enrolled in PLOTS. If the property is scheduled for energy development, gravel or scoria mining, or other activities related to energy development, how will that affect my PLOTS agreement?

PLOTS agreements are only for walk-in hunting access. If a property is developed the Department will conduct an evaluation to determine if the property will remain in PLOTS or if the agreement will be terminated. The determination depends on the extent of development on the property and if the development hinders the intended use for hunting access. The Department encourages landowners to notify the Department as early in the development process as possible to minimize the impacts.

My land is enrolled in PLOTS. What happens when I sell the land?

Some PLOTS agreements are recorded and run with the land regardless of ownership. Most PLOTS agreements have a clause that allows for transfer of ownership or cancellation of the agreement, however, reimbursement for payments or cost-share will be required if the new owner does not wish to continue the PLOTS agreement. It is the responsibility of the current landowner to contact the Department within 45 days of transfer of the property.

If I'm enrolled in PLOTS can I still include that land in my application for a gratis deer license?
