2021 Hunting Season Outlook
- Upland and Small Game
- Ring-necked Pheasants
- Wild Turkey
- Ruffed Grouse
- Sharp-tailed Grouse
- Hungarian Partridge
- Tree Squirrels
- Big Game
- White-tailed Deer
- Mule Deer
- Pronghorn
- Bighorn Sheep
- Moose
- Elk
In my 2020 fall outlook, I discussed the challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic that Game and Fish Department staff overcame to ensure business as usual for the sporting public.
Spring, summer and fall of 2021 has presented our state with another sizeable hurdle in the form of extreme drought. While some areas of the state are certainly better than others, there are some parts that are hard to imagine being any worse.
Many areas have set records for being in the top five years of least amount of rainfall and ranking in the top five for hottest temperatures in 125 years of record keeping. The lack of snow and rain led to a spring and summer fire season that we typically don’t experience.
Agriculture producers in most areas experienced a year that included little to no hay crop, limited grazing leading to downsizing of animal units, and a grain harvest where the harvest truck driver didn’t have any problems keeping up with the combine. In the last 25 years, it certainly wasn’t normal to be able to combine most of the day with only one load of grain to show for the effort.
Recognizing the extreme drought in much of the state, the Game and Fish Department has tried to be as flexible as possible assisting producers with haying and grazing opportunities on Department owned and managed wildlife management areas and on leased private land enrolled in the Private Land Open To Sportsmen program. The Department also supported, along with Delta Waterfowl, Ducks Unlimited, North Dakota Natural Resources Trust and Pheasants Forever, the early haying of Conservation Reserve Program acres in mid-July instead of the standard August 2 date.
Even with this support in the form of a letter dated June 28 and addressed directly to Tom Vilsack, secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the request was denied at the federal level. Conversations and federal legislation are ongoing in hopes of correcting this change to allow producers the flexibility of earlier haying during years when the drought triggers have been met and livestock producers need help.
If the outdoor community values the wildlife benefits associated with CRP on the landscape, we also need to be flexible and reasonable with how these acres are managed to ensure the program is attractive to landowners.
When thinking about fall, and the quickly approaching hunting seasons, the current conditions are cause for many different emotions for many different people. Many landowners are nervous about hunters and the possibility of fires, yet other segments of the population are excited about the opportunity to take advantage of some much-needed economic activity created by fall hunting seasons during a drought year.
Whether you are an owner of a gas station, restaurant, bar, hotel, or perhaps a landowner who provides a bed and breakfast experience, the economic stimulus is extremely valuable. And the emotion experienced by the hunter who has perhaps drawn a coveted once-in-a-lifetime license should be obvious.
A way to balance concerns related to fires and individuals recreating in the North Dakota outdoors is the daily fire danger index. Each morning, a statewide map is issued by the National Weather Service communicating to the public the level of fire danger in each county. Which is fair, considering some areas have more concerns than others. If the fire danger index is in the high, very high or extreme category, these are certain restrictions triggered that all outdoor recreationists need to closely follow.
In addition, county governments have the authority to adopt penalties for violations and county restrictions related to local burn bans. These restrictions apply regardless of the daily fire danger index and remain in place until each county’s commission rescinds the ban.
Rural fire departments across North Dakota have been overworked already this year. Hunters have a very good track record of not being the cause of fires, but it should be every hunter’s goal to keep it that way. Being alert, closely monitoring local conditions and communicating with landowners will all go a long way this fall to ensuring a great hunting season.
The Department is asking everyone to please pay extra attention this fall to the daily fire danger index and other county restrictions at NDResponse.gov. Have a safe and enjoyable hunting season.
JEB WILLIAMS wrote this piece while serving as the Game and Fish Department’s wildlife division chief. He has since been named the agency’s director.
Upland and Small Game
--- Ring-necked Pheasants ---
Opens: Oct. 09
Closes: Jan. 2, 2022
Daily Limit: 3
Possession Limit: 12
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
Pheasants in North Dakota were greeted with a very mild winter in 2020-21. We had little to no snow accumulation and above average temperatures, except for a brief subzero spell in February.
Results of the spring crowing count survey showed higher numbers of breeding roosters throughout most of the traditional pheasant range, except the southwest. The number of roosters heard calling was up anywhere from 5-18% throughout North Dakota’s good pheasant range. This was not a surprise, as last summer’s reproduction led to a slight increase in the late summer roadside counts and increased over-winter survival of roosters due to the mild winter.
Unfortunately, cover for nesting hens was below average in spring due a dry fall and little to no residual cover. The drought of 2021 continued through summer with a large portion of the state being categorized as “extreme drought.” Pheasant chick survival was greatly reduced due to the drought, mainly because of the lack of insects during the critical time after hatching. Chicks eat only insects the first two weeks of their lives, and survivability is reduced when insects are scarce on the landscape.
At the time of this writing, Game and Fish biologists were still conducting late summer roadside brood counts, but preliminary numbers indicate hunters will see a comparable number of birds this fall to 2017, the last time the state experienced a drought.
Hunters will need to be mobile and willing to move to different locations to find optimal hunting opportunities. Hunters should be aware that many hunting areas will be devoid of cover due to little or no regrowth after being hayed, grazed or harvested. The southwestern and northwestern parts of the state are expected to provide the best fall hunting opportunities for pheasants.
Rodney Gross, Upland Game Management Biologist, Bismarck
--- Youth Pheasant ---
(For legally licensed residents and nonresidents ages 15 and younger.)
Opens: Oct. 2
Closes: Oct. 3
Daily limit: 3
Possession limit: 6
Shooting hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
--- Wild Turkeys ---
Opens: Oct. 9
Closes: Jan. 2, 2022
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
The turkey population in many of North Dakota’s hunting units has been higher than normal the past few years due to increased production in the western half of the state. Last year, conditions were ideal for a successful turkey hatch and Department surveys showed that.
Turkey production was good last spring from an increasing breeding population, so fall numbers were higher in parts of the state.
The eastern part of the state has seen decreasing numbers of birds the last few years in response to the loss of quality turkey habitat. Early reports from brood surveys indicate a slight decrease in the number of broods on the ground in most of the state due to drought.
The Department increased fall wild turkey licenses slightly to give hunters more opportunities in areas where turkey numbers are above management goals. It is expected that the central and west-central parts of the state along river corridors will provide some of the better turkey hunting opportunities in the state this fall.
Rodney Gross
--- Ruffed Grouse ---
Opens: Sept. 11
Closes: Jan. 2, 2022
Daily Limit: 3
Possession Limit: 12
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
Ruffed grouse populations occur in isolated pockets, namely in the Turtle Mountains in the north central part of the state and in the Pembina Hills in the northeast. Birds are strongly associated with aspen forests and multi-aged stands of trees.
During the 2021 spring drumming counts, biologists heard 42% fewer ruffed grouse on survey routes compared to 2020, but the population had been on the rise for two consecutive years. The decline was largely due to declines in the Turtle Mountains and in the Pembina Hills. Fall populations are expected to be about the same as they were in 2020.
Jesse Kolar, Upland Game Management Supervisor, Dickinson
Good vegetative growth and sharp-tailed grouse populations generally go hand in hand. This was illustrated last year when improved moisture patterns resulted in good early vegetative growth over much of the sharptail range.
Grouse harvest last fall increased an astonishing 153% (possibly due to increased effort and participation in outdoor activities during the pandemic), and our 2021 spring breeding populations were up a significant 12%, again giving cause for optimism for a good increase of birds in the primary range of the western third of the state.
Drought conditions have made us sharply downgrade the early predictions for increased sharptail numbers. Populations are not expected to be any better than in 2020, and probably significantly lower in the primary sharptail range.
Weather conditions adversely affect upland game nesting birds in a variety of complex ways. Any extreme of hot, cold or wet can cause problems. Severe drought, as we experienced this year, can often be the worst because usually a large area of the state is affected.
To start with, a lack of moisture limits vegetative growth needed for safe nesting and brooding cover. Reduced cover during these periods results in increased predation on nests of young and adults by both avian and mammalian predators. As the drought continues, food for livestock threatens to become short and increased mowing destroys nests along with nesting birds and young broods. Early mowing of grain for feed eliminates potential brooding cover and again sets the stage for increased predation.
Less understood are the direct effects of extreme hot, dry weather on the hatchability of eggs and survival of young leaving the nest. Under extreme conditions this could possibly be devastating.
At the time of this writing in late August, mid-summer brood counts are just winding down, and preliminary observations indicate not all is well. It will be early September when our final summaries are completed, providing insight on how the species fared during the reproductive season.
At present, we are convinced that we will end up with considerably lower populations than we would have had with an average weather pattern. We know all species were adversely affected, but at this point it is just a matter of how much.
Hunters can request prepaid wing envelopes here.
Jesse Kolar
--- Hungarian Partridge ---
Opens: Sept. 11
Closes: Jan. 2, 2022
Daily Limit: 3
Possession Limit: 12
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
In the 1980s and early 1990s, partridge populations were plentiful in North Dakota, but as farming practices changed and weather patterns shifted from dry to a predominately wet cycle, partridge populations responded negatively.
However, last year hunters saw a welcomed increase in the partridge population and early indications are similar this year. Hunters will most likely see similar partridge numbers compared to last year. Biologists have observed similar partridge broods this year compared to last summer.
Department biologists will continue to observe broods during late summer roadside counts and results will be available in early September.
Partridge respond favorably to drier conditions and it’s hopeful that the population continues to rebound from the drier than average summer. Partridge have become an opportunistic bird harvested while hunting either sharp-tailed grouse or pheasants, so keep a look out for areas such as abandoned farmsteads and native prairie that is on the edge of small grain crops. Pockets of decent hunting may be found in these areas, but hunters will need to spend some time in the mornings scouting potential areas.
Rodney Gross
--- Tree Squirrels ---
Opens: Sept. 11
Closes: Feb. 28, 2022
Daily Limit: 4
Possession Limit: 12
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
Tree squirrels may be taken statewide with firearms loaded with shot, rimfire rifles, or with bows and arrows legal for taking upland game.
Big Game
--- White-tailed Deer ---
Archery Opens: Sep. 3
Archery Closes: Jan. 2, 2022
Regular Gun Season Opens: Nov. 5
Regular Gun Season Closes: Nov. 21
Muzzleloader Opens: Nov. 26
Muzzleloader Closes: Dec. 12
Game and Fish made available 72,200 licenses for the 2021 hunting season, an increase of 3,150 from 2020.
Population and harvest data indicate the state’s deer population is stable to increasing, but still below management goals in most eastern hunting units. Consequently, there was a moderate increase in deer licenses allocated in 2021 to increase hunting opportunities while continuing to encourage population growth. The statewide gun hunter success rate in 2020 was 68%, which was 4% higher than 2019 and near the goal of 70%.
A CWD-positive white-tailed deer buck harvested in hunting unit 3A2 in 2020 altered deer management strategies in that and surrounding units. The goal is to minimize the CWD prevalence rate and reduce spread of the disease outside infected units; therefore, a more aggressive harvest strategy remains in the northwestern part of the state. From the 2020 surveillance, CWD-positive deer were detected in 3A1 (two mule deer), 3A2 (one white-tailed deer), 3F2 (nine mule deer and five white-tailed deer) and 4B (one mule deer). Increased surveillance will continue in these units to better understand CWD prevalence.
High quality deer habitat is not as abundant as in the past, which has limited the potential for population recovery following severe winter conditions across the entire state during 2008-09 and 2010-11, northeastern part of the state during 2012-13 and 2013-14, and the southeastern portion of the state in 2018-19. For example, deer numbers in hunting units 2E and 2C have responded slower to more favorable winter weather conditions and reduced harvest, due in part to these hunting units having lost approximately 70% of CRP grass cover.
Biologists were not able to conduct winter aerial surveys during winter 2021.
Landowners interested in having more antlerless deer harvested are encouraged to call Game and Fish at 701-328-6300, and Department personnel will direct the number of doe hunters landowners are comfortable hosting.
A summary of deer licenses for 2021:
- Any-antlered licenses increased by 1,500.
- Any-antlerless licenses increased by 1,250.
- Antlered white-tailed deer licenses increased by 100.
- Antlerless white-tailed deer increased by 100.
- 1,336 muzzleloader licenses available in 2021 – 668 antlered white-tailed deer licenses and 668 antlerless white-tailed licenses. This is an increase of 60 licenses from 2020.
- 305 “I” licenses available for the youth deer hunting season, the same as 2020. “I” licenses are limited in number for units 3B1, 3B2 and 4A-4F, and are valid for any deer. There are unlimited “H” youth deer hunting licenses valid for any deer statewide except antlered mule deer in the above restricted units.
- 780 nonresident any-deer archery licenses available in 2021, the same number available in 2020. The number of nonresident any-deer archery licenses will be 810 in 2022.
- For areas in south Bismarck and Mandan, a limited number of special deer bow season licenses will be available and hunters may receive up to three. The areas include private land south and east of Bismarck in Burleigh County, land within the city of Bismarck designated by the Bismarck chief of police, private land in Morton County, the USDA-ARS Northern Great Plains Research lab in Mandan and the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation land south of Bismarck.
Bill Jensen, Big Game Management Biologist, Bismarck
--- Mule Deer ---
Archery Opens: Sep. 3
Archery Closes: Jan. 2, 2022
Regular Gun Season Opens: Nov. 5
Regular Gun Season Closes: Nov. 21
Mule deer in North Dakota’s badlands remain at a healthy level based on the 2021 spring index, which indicated 8.7 deer per square mile, similar to 2020 and 21% above the long-term average.
The mule deer population increase can be attributed to prohibiting harvest of antlerless mule deer in the badlands during the 2012-16 hunting seasons, more moderate winter conditions and improved fawn production in 2013-20. Fawn production was highest in 2014 and 2016 with fawn-to-doe ratios of 95 and 90 fawns per 100 does, respectively.
A stable mule deer population will mean good hunting opportunities again this fall. There were 3,050 antlered licenses and 2,350 antlerless licenses available in 2021, which is 200 more antlerless licenses than 2020.
A mule deer buck license remains one of the most difficult licenses to draw, but for those lucky few, it should result in a very high-quality hunt. Hunter success for mule deer buck hunters was 81% in 2020.
While another year of a stable to increasing population is encouraging, there remain many challenges facing the future population growth of mule deer in the badlands. Encroachment of juniper in mule deer habitat, direct and indirect habitat loss due to oil development, predators and weather conditions including extreme drought are all hurdles the population will face.
Mule deer fawn production will be assessed in October and will provide insight into the influence of extreme drought conditions.
Bruce Stillings, Big Game Management Supervisor, Dickinson
--- Pronghorn ---
Archery Only Opens: Sept. 3
Archery Only Closes: Sept. 26
Gun/Archery Season Opens: Oct. 1
Gun/Archery Season Closes: Oct. 17
North Dakota hunters will have slightly fewer opportunities to hunt pronghorn this year due to a minor population decrease this summer.
Biologists conducted aerial surveys in early July and found that the number of pronghorn in the state decreased by 8% from last year.
Pronghorn have been slowly recovering since 2013 following the severe winters of 2008-10, which resulted in numbers declining by 75%. Epizootic hemorrhagic disease was widespread in the western part of the state during late summer and early fall of 2020. The EHD virus is spread by biting flies and mainly affects white-tailed deer, however biologists documented cases of pronghorn dying from the disease across much of their range.
In addition, drought conditions in most of the primary pronghorn range resulted in poor habitat conditions and lower fawn production. The combination of these factors led to a slight population decrease.
In 2021, 1,715 licenses were made available, 75 fewer than 2020. Fifteen hunting units – 1A, 1D, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4C, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A, 10A, 11A and 13A – will be opened to hunting this fall, the same as 2020. Hunting unit 13A is open for the second consecutive year after being closed since 1993.
Pronghorn remain at a level in hunting units 1A, 2A, 3B, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A and 11A that allows doe/fawn licenses to be issued to address areas of high pronghorn density with poor rangeland conditions, providing additional hunting opportunities.
Lottery licenses can be used during the archery season (Sept. 3-26) with archery equipment or during the rifle season (Oct. 1-17) using legal firearm or archery equipment for those who do not hunt or harvest during the archery season.
Last year’s season was very successful with 1,572 hunters harvesting 1,199 pronghorn for a success rate of 76%.
Bruce Stillings
--- Bighorn Sheep ---
The North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s 2020 bighorn sheep survey, completed by recounting lambs in early spring, revealed a record 322 bighorn sheep in western North Dakota, up 11% from 2019 and 13% above the five-year average. The count surpassed the previous record of 313 bighorns in 2008.
Altogether, biologists counted 97 rams, 170 ewes and 55 lambs. Not included are approximately 40 bighorn sheep in the North Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park and bighorns recently introduced to the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation.
The increase in the 2020 count reflects lessening effects of bacterial pneumonia that was detected in 2014. The northern badlands population increased 13% from 2019 and was the highest count on record. The southern badlands population declined again to the lowest level since 1999.
Game and Fish biologists were encouraged to see the count of adult rams increase after declining the last four years, and adult ewes were at record numbers. Most encouraging was a record lamb count corresponding with a record recruitment rate.
Biologists count and classify all bighorn sheep in late summer, and then recount lambs the following March as they approach one year of age to determine recruitment.
Department staff, in conjunction with biologists from the Three Affiliated Tribes Fish and Wildlife Division, also reported that the bighorn sheep that were translocated in January 2020 from Rocky Boy’s Reservation in Montana to the Fort Berthold Reservation performed exceptionally well their first year in the state. Only one adult ewe died but 19 lambs were recruited. Consequently, the population increased from 30 to 48 in the first year.
There are currently more than 400 bighorn sheep among populations managed by the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, the National Park Service and the Three Affiliated Tribes Fish and Wildlife Division. The last confirmed native bighorn sheep in North Dakota was killed in 1905, and Theodore Roosevelt reported that bighorns were scarce by the time he hunted them during the 1880s.
So, it’s likely that there are more bighorns today than before North Dakota’s statehood in 1889.
A bighorn sheep hunting season is scheduled for 2021.
Brett Wiedmann, Big Game Management Biologist, Dickinson
--- Moose ---
The number of once-in-a-lifetime licenses for moose will remain the same as 2020 after several years of increases for this popular big game species.
The majority of licenses are primarily from the northwest region of the state for moose management units M9, M10 and M11. The moose population continues to do well in northwestern North Dakota, but numbers remain lower in historical hunting units in the Turtle Mountains, Pembina Hills and along the Red River corridor.
Moose unit M1C, located in the Pembina Hills region of the state has been closed since 2006 and will remain closed again this year. Moose unit M4, which encompasses the Turtle Mountains, was closed in 2013 and will also remain closed this fall.
Game and Fish issued 474 licenses for 2021. Expectations for the season are high as success for moose historically runs above 90%.
Jason Smith, Big Game Management Biologist, Jamestown
--- Elk ---
North Dakota’s 2021 elk season features 523 licenses, the same as 2020 and remains the largest number of elk licenses issued since 2010.
The primary increase in licenses was for elk unit E3. This was in response to an increasing elk population in the area and landowner tolerance concerns.
Elk hunting in North Dakota can be very challenging, both mentally and physically. Although high when compared to other western states, success rates for North Dakota elk hunters averaged just over 60% over the past five years. The season outlook for elk in 2021 is expected to be good with success similar to previous years.
As always, making landowner contacts and scouting prior to the season opener is recommended and is an essential component to a successful fall hunt.
Jason Smith
Migratory Birds
--- Ducks and Geese ---
Drought severely impacted breeding duck habitats across North Dakota. While 2.9 million ducks were estimated during the Game and Fish Department’s 74th annual breeding duck survey in May, behavioral cues suggested that breeding efforts by those ducks would be low.
Breeding conditions across the state varied from very poor to fair, and the wetland index declined by 80%. Conditions were not good statewide and, after a high count in 2020, the decline in wetlands counted represented the largest one-year percentage-based decline in the 74-year history of the survey.
Overall, this year’s breeding duck index was the 48th highest on record, down 27% from last year, but still 19% above the long-term average.
With the exception of gadwall, all of North Dakota’s primary breeding duck species had indices that declined from what was observed in 2020. Mallards were down 49% from their 2020 estimate and represented their 28th highest index on record, their lowest since 1993. Redheads and blue-winged teal had relatively mild declines of 8-9% each. However, other species declines ranged from 45% for scaup to 75% for ruddy ducks.
Some species dropped below their long-term average, most notably pintails, which had their lowest index since 1991 and are 68% below their 73-year average in the state. Other species had indices on par with the drought years of the early 1990s, ranging from 6% below average for mallards to 68% below the long-term average for pintails. Some species like blue-winged teal, redheads and gadwall are still quite a bit above their 73-year averages, ranging from 42% to 109% above the long-term average.
Not surprisingly, the number of broods observed during the Department’s July brood survey dropped considerably, down 49% from last year’s count and 23% below the 1965-2020 average. While the number of broods observed is the lowest since 1994, the count was still 62% above the long-term average.
The average brood size was 6.46 ducklings, down 4% from last year’s estimate. Following the May survey, North Dakota’s landscape continued to dry up as drought persisted across the Prairie Pothole Region of the state. Drought conditions not only affected wetlands, but also lead to sparse upland nesting habitat.
July wetland counts were down 58% from 2020, and 39% below the long-term average. Precipitation was not common in spring and summer, though rare, localized downpours occurred. Despite much-needed rain in some areas, it appeared that ducks had mostly moved on from breeding by the time rains became slightly more prevalent. Lack of moisture, coupled with above-average temperatures, resulted in declining wetland conditions all spring and summer. Generally, numbers and conditions of wetlands were very poor/fair, with little variation statewide.
The fall flight forecast of ducks from North Dakota is down 36% from last year and is the 28th highest fall flight for the state on record.
Numbers of temperate-breeding Canada geese, Western Prairie Canada geese and arctic nesting Tallgrass Prairie Canada geese, snow geese and Ross’s geese all remain high. Production of Canada geese in the state was fair this year, and large-type Canada geese in the state are very abundant as a result of banner production in the Dakotas the last two years. Estimates from arctic breeding areas are not available due to pandemic related travel restrictions, but indications are that arctic goose production will be average to below-average.
Hunters should expect waterfowl hunting to be difficult in North Dakota this year, with the lone bright spot being Canada goose hunting. Nonetheless, localized concentrations of ducks, geese and swans will materialize throughout the hunting season as birds migrate through the state.
Hunters should take advantage of early-migrants like blue-winged teal during the first two weeks of the season. Hunters won’t be able to depend on local duck production to the extent that they have in the past. North Dakota waterfowl hunting seasons are always affected by fall weather, and weather patterns from early to late seasons usually are not consistent from year to year. However, duck production from Prairie Canada is also expected to be below average this year. By and large, with an adult-heavy fall flight, waterfowl hunting will be more difficult than it has been in recent years.
The Department’s fall wetland survey will give one last look at regional wetland conditions in September.
Mike Szymanski, Migratory Game Bird Management Supervisor, Bismarck
--- Youth Waterfowl Season ---
(For legally licensed residents and nonresidents ages 15 and younger.)
Opens: Sept. 18
Closes: Sept. 19
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
Daily Limit: Ducks and geese – same as regular season.
--- Special Veteran and Active Military Waterfowl Season ---
(For legally licensed veterans and members of the Armed Forces on active duty, including members of the National Guard and Reserves on active duty, other than for training.)
Opens: Sept. 18
Closes: Sept. 19
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
Daily Limit: Ducks and geese – same as regular season (does not include bonus blue-winged teal).
--- Early Canada Goose Hunting ---
Opens: Aug. 15 (statewide)
Closes: Sept. 7 (Missouri River Canada Goose Zone), Sept. 15 (Western Canada Goose Zone), Sept. 22 (Eastern Canada Goose Zone)
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
Daily Limit: 15
Possession Limit: 45
--- Canada Geese Regular Season ---
Opens: Sept. 25 (residents only), Oct. 2 (nonresidents)
Closes: Dec. 31 (Missouri River Canada Goose Zone), Dec. 23 (Western Canada Goose Zone), Dec. 18 (Eastern Canada Goose Zone)
Daily Limit: 5 (Missouri River zone), 8 (all other zones)
Possession Limit: 15 (Missouri River zone), 24 (all other zones)
--- White-fronted Geese (Statewide) ---
Opens: Sept. 25 (residents only), Oct. 2 (nonresidents)
Closes: Dec. 5
Daily Limit: 3
Possession Limit: 9
--- Light (Snow) Geese (Statewide) ---
Opens: Sept. 25 (residents only), Oct. 2 (nonresidents)
Closes: Dec. 31
Daily Limit: 50, no possession limit
Shooting Hours for all Geese: Half-hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. Exception: Shooting hours are a half-hour before sunrise to sunset on all Saturdays and Wednesdays through the end of each season. Starting Nov. 28, all-day hunting is also allowed on Sundays through the end of each season.
--- Regular Duck Season ---
Low Plains Unit
Opens: Sept. 25 (residents only), Oct. 2 (nonresidents)
Closes: Dec. 5
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
High Plains Unit
Opens: Sept. 25 (residents only), Oct. 2 (nonresidents)
Closes: Dec. 5
Opens: Dec. 11
Closes: Jan. 2
Shooting-hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
Daily Limit: Six ducks, which may include no more than five mallards (two of which may be hens), one pintail, two redheads, two canvasbacks, one scaup and three wood ducks. In addition to the daily bag limit of ducks, an additional two blue-winged teal may be taken from Sept. 25 through Oct. 10.
Possession Limit: Three times the daily limit.
--- Sandhill Cranes ---
Opens: Zone 1 and 2: Sept. 18
Closes: Zone 1 and 2: Nov. 14
Daily Limit Zone 1: 3
Daily Limit Zone 2: 2
Possession Limit Zone 1: 9
Possession Limit Zone 2: 6
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to 2 p.m. daily.
The Mid-continent Sandhill Crane Population is in good shape heading into fall. However, spring migration occurred early this year due to light snow cover and warm temperatures in the Northern Great Plains. As a result, the number of birds counted during the spring survey along the Platte River in Nebraska appears to be lower than anticipated, although these numbers are preliminary. Nonetheless, the three-year average population index used for guiding hunting regulations will still be well above the management objectives for this population.
Drier conditions this fall will lead to fewer wetlands for migrating cranes to choose from, but receding water levels on larger wetlands should provide abundant open shorelines and mudflats suitable for roosting cranes.
The two zone – Zone 1 west of U.S. Highway 281 and Zone 2 east of U.S. Highway 281 – structure for sandhill cranes continues. The two zones will have the same season lengths (58 days) and dates, but will continue to have different bag limits. Zone 1 has a daily bag limit of three cranes; in Zone 2 the daily bag limit is two. The possession limit in Zone 1 is nine cranes, and six in Zone 2.
Nonresident sandhill crane hunters can pursue sandhill cranes with either a valid nonresident small game or waterfowl license, in addition to a crane permit. Nonresident sandhill crane permits are valid for use within the dates and zones of nonresident waterfowl or small game licenses selected during purchase.
Hunters are also reminded to be sure of their target before shooting, as federally endangered whooping cranes may be present throughout North Dakota during fall. Report all whooping crane sightings to the North Dakota Game and Fish Department in Bismarck at 701-328-6300.
Andrew Dinges, Migratory Game Bird Biologist, Bismarck
--- Doves ---
Opens: Sept. 1
Closes: Nov. 29
Daily Limit: 15
Possession Limit: 45
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
North Dakota has an abundant breeding population of mourning doves and based on casual observations, production in the state was fair to good this year. Relatively dry conditions and warm weather made it favorable for doves to nest often during the breeding season.
The Game and Fish Department also tallies mourning doves during late summer roadside counts, but numbers were not yet finalized. Although survey numbers are not currently available, age ratios of juvenile to adult birds captured at banding stations throughout the state have also been indicative of good production this year.
Dove hunters should experience good opportunities during early September before cooler weather sets in throughout the state and pushes doves south. Hunters are encouraged to scout before the season to find the right mix of conditions conducive to concentrating birds. Hunters should look for areas with abundant harvested small grain or oilseed fields that are also near shelterbelts or other diverse stands of trees. Doves also need to be within a few miles of water sources.
Harvest of small grains and oilseed crops are projected to be near average, so hunters should have plenty of places to choose from in September.
Eurasian collared doves continue to expand throughout the state and are found in almost every city and small town. However, these birds are not often found outside of municipalities and are rarely harvested by hunters. Nonetheless, Eurasian collared doves can be pursued during the dove season and are included with mourning doves in the daily bag and possession limits if harvested.
Some dove hunters may be contacted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to participate in a wing survey, which involves clipping one wing from each dove shot early in the season to send in for analysis. Hunters are also reminded to look for banded mourning doves in their bag and report bands directly to the Bird Banding Laboratory website at reportband.gov.
Andrew Dinges
--- Crows ---
Fall Season Opens: Aug. 21
Closes: Nov. 8
Spring Season Opens: March 12, 2022
Closes: April 24, 2022
Daily Limit: No limit on crows.
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
In addition to the crow season, crows may be taken when committing or about to commit depredations as specified in federal law.
--- Snipe ---
Opens: Sept. 11
Closes: Dec. 5
Daily Limit: 8
Possession Limit: 24
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
--- Woodcock ---
Opens: Sept. 25
Closes: Nov. 8
Daily Limit: 3
Possession Limit: 9
Shooting Hours: Half-hour before sunrise to sunset.
Expansion of bobcat populations into eastern North Dakota have provided opportunity to expand harvest for bobcat hunters and trappers for the first time since 1980.
Bobcat harvest this winter will open statewide, with the state split into two management zones. In Zone 1, west of U.S. Highway 83, regulations will be the same as past seasons. Whereas in Zone 2, east of U.S. Highway 83, harvest will be more limited because bobcats are less abundant and not as widely distributed.
Other changes to furbearer regulations this fall include an increase in the river otter harvest limit, the option to use floating colony traps for muskrats in late-spring, and the exemption of enclosed foothold traps from some trap set restrictions. As most trappers are aware, we have a variety of “trap set restrictions” at various times of the year to prevent nontarget capture of dogs, waterfowl and shorebirds. Innovations to modern traps, such as floating colony traps and enclosed footholds, have all but eliminated the risk to nontarget captures in these traps. Therefore, we have removed unnecessary regulations related to their use.
Now for the numbers.
North Dakota’s most popular furbearer, the coyote, is likely going to be found in lower numbers this year compared to last season. Spring surveys indicated coyote numbers were down in all regions, except south and west of the Missouri River, although that region is trending below the long-term average for coyotes as well. Additionally, fox numbers remain low throughout the state.
On the other hand, spring surveys indicated muskrat numbers increased again this year in the Prairie Pothole Region. Although dry conditions throughout the state in summer may temper the number of muskrats trappers will find this winter.
Last year, hunters and trappers took 22 fishers, 56 bobcats, eight mountain lions in Zone 1 (two in the early-season, four in the late-season and two in the conditional season) and one mountain lion in Zone 2.
Trappers are reminded that written permission is required from landowners prior to placing or setting any traps or cable devices on private land, including PLOTS lands. PLOTS lands are privately owned lands leased by Game and Fish for walk-in hunting only and all other activities, including trapping, which does require landowner permission.
For those trappers who do secure permission to trap on PLOTS lands, keep in mind these lands are heavily used by upland game and waterfowl hunters and their dogs throughout their respective seasons.
Additionally, hunters should familiarize themselves with traps and cable devices, so they are knowledgeable about how to release a dog if caught. Directions for releasing dogs from traps.
Stephanie Tucker, Game Management Section Leader, Bismarck
--- Mountain Lion Hunting ---
Zone 1 (early)
Opens: Sep. 3
Closes: Nov. 21
Zone 1 (late)
Opens: Nov. 22
Closes: March 31, 2022
Zone 2
Opens: Sep. 3
Closes: March 31, 2022
The overall harvest limit on mountain lions in Zone 1 is once again 15, with an early season limit of eight, and a late-season limit of seven (or three females, whichever comes first). If the early season ends before eight mountain lions are taken, a conditional season could reopen after the late season, if the late season limit is reached prior to March 25.
There is no mountain lion harvest limit in Zone 2.
Mountain lions may be hunted statewide by residents using legal firearms or archery equipment during regular hunting hours. Beginning Nov. 22, mountain lions may also be hunted by pursuing with dogs. Cable devices and traps are not allowed. The limit is one lion per hunter. Kittens (lions with visible spots), or females accompanied by kittens, may not be taken.
Any lion taken must be reported to the Department within 12 hours and the entire intact animal must be presented for tagging. Legally taken animals will be returned to the hunter.
--- River Otter Trapping or Cable Devices ---
Opens: Nov. 22
Closes: March 15, 2022
Limit of one per person. Total harvest limit of 25 statewide.
Trappers must contact the local game warden or Department field office to report their harvest within 12 hours and make arrangements to have their river otter tagged. For more information, see the North Dakota 2021-22 hunting and trapping guide.
--- Fisher Trapping or Cable Devices ---
Opens: Nov. 22
Closes: Nov. 28
Open statewide except for Bottineau and Rolette counties. Limit one per person. Trappers must contact the local game warden or Department field office to report their harvest within 12 hours and make arrangements to have their fisher tagged. For more information, see the North Dakota 2021-22 hunting and trapping guide.
--- Beaver and Raccoon Hunting, Trapping or Underwater Cable Devices ---
Open: Year-round.
For more information, see the North Dakota 2021-22 hunting and trapping guide.
--- Beaver and Raccoon Cable Devices on Land ---
Opens: Nov. 22
Closes: March 15, 2022
From March 16, 2022, through May 10, 2022, cable devices must be within 50 feet of water; they must be no more than 4 inches off the ground and must have a stop restricting loop size to 12 inches or less in diameter.
Beaver dams may be dismantled when their presence causes property damage.
--- Weasel Trapping, Hunting or Cable Devices ---
Opens: Oct. 23
Hunting and Cable Devices
Opens: Nov. 2
Closes: March 15, 2022
Weasels may be hunted statewide with .22 caliber or smaller rimfire rifles or pistols, muzzleloaders of .45 caliber or smaller, longbows and crossbows.
--- Muskrat and Mink Trapping, Hunting or Cable Devices ---
Trapping Opens: Oct. 23
Hunting and Cable Devices
Opens: Nov. 22
Closes: May 10, 2022
Muskrat huts may be opened for insertion of traps or cable devices; however, the huts must be restored to their approximate original condition to prevent freeze-up.
Beginning March 16, 2021, colony traps must be under at least 2 inches of water, and trapping or using cable devices on the outside of any muskrat house or structure of any size is prohibited; traps may be placed completely inside a muskrat house or structure of any size, except when used on float sets; foothold traps must be submerged under water at all times or must have a protective covering; body-gripping traps used in water can have no more than 2 inches of the trap above the water or must have a protective covering.
Beginning May 1, 2021, float sets must have a protective covering.
Mink and muskrat may be hunted statewide with .22 caliber or smaller rimfire rifles or pistols, muzzleloaders of .45 caliber or smaller, longbows and crossbows.
--- Bobcat Trapping, Hunting or Cable Devices ---
Zone 1
Hunting and Trapping Opens: Nov. 6
Cable Devices Opens: Nov. 2
Closes: March 15, 2022
Beginning Nov. 22, bobcats may also be trapped using cable devices and hunted by pursing with dogs.
Open only in the area south and west of the Missouri River. Beginning Nov. 23, bobcats may also be hunted by pursuing with dogs.
The pelt and carcass of each bobcat taken in Zone 1 must be presented to Department personnel for inspection and tagging prior to sale or transfer of possession, but no later than 14 days after the close of the season.
Zone 2
Opens: Nov. 22
Closes: March 15, 2022
Limit is one bobcat per person in Zone 2 and total harvest limit is eight.
In Zone 2, anyone who harvests a bobcat must contact the local game warden or Department field office to report their harvest within 12 hours and make arrangements to have their bobcat tagged.
For more information, see the 2021-22 furbearer hunting and trapping guide.
--- Red Fox, Gray Fox, Coyote Trapping, Hunting or Cable Devices ---
Day hunting and trapping opens: Year-round
Night hunting and cable devices opens: Nov. 22
Closes: March 15, 2022
Red fox, gray fox and coyote may be hunted at any hour from Nov. 22 through March 15, 2022. Any hunter who engages in the hunting of red fox, gray fox or coyote during the time from a half-hour after sunset to a half-hour before sunrise, must hunt exclusively on foot.
Hunters can use night vision, artificial light, thermal vision and infrared light equipment during the night hunting season. Hunters are prohibited from using archery equipment (including crossbows) for night hunting until after the close of the archery deer season.
--- Badger Trapping, Hunting or Cable Devices ---
Hunting and trapping opens: Year-round
Cable Devices Opens: Nov. 22
Closes: March 15, 2022