Buffaloberry Patch
Zebra Mussels Discovered in Lake Oahe South Dakota
Salmon Spawn Completed
Earth Day Patch Contest for Students
The North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s annual Earth Day Patch Contest is, in part, an effort to heighten the awareness about the environment in North Dakota and beyond.
Students who participate will develop a patch design using five colors incorporating an aspect of Earth Day such as environmental awareness, respect Earth, water quality, wildlife, or habitat conservation in North Dakota.
The contest is open to students in grades K-12. Winners are chosen from three grade categories (K-4, 5-8 and 9-12). Each winner will receive an outdoor kit, which includes a pair of binoculars and field guides. The grand prize patch design winner is chosen from one of the three winning age categories.
In addition, the grand prize winner will have their design displayed on the recognition patch, be featured in North Dakota OUTDOORS and on the Game and Fish website. Contest entry deadline is March 1.
Details about the contest can be found on the department’s website at gf.nd.gov. For additional information, contact Sherry Niesar, Earth Day Patch Contest coordinator, at 701-527-3714.
Bahnson Named Game and Fish Employee of the Year
Game and Fish Recognizes Employee Efforts
North Dakota Game and Fish Department director Jeb Williams recently honored employees with performance-based awards. The following special recognition awards were presented during the Department’s staff meeting in December.
Lisa Tofte, administrative assistant, Devils Lake, was recognized for her positive attitude, professionalism, knowledge and service to the public.
Alegra Powers, wildlife division administrative assistant, Bismarck, was recognized for her willingness to help, knowledge within the Department, and her customer service with landowners and hunters.
Jim Houston, wildlife biological technician, Bismarck, was recognized for his efforts in spearheading the Department’s turkey trapping operation.
Melissa Long, administrative officer, Bismarck, was recognized for her knowledge of state government, accounting, human resources and legislation.
Alan Reile, technical operations lead, Bismarck, was recognized for his knowledge, attitude, commitment and dedication to his job and colleagues.
Justen Barstad, fisheries biological technician, Bismarck, was recognized for his work ethic, positive attitude, mechanical skills and field expertise.
Cayla Bendel, R3 coordinator, Bismarck, was recognized for her outreach efforts with NDO podcast, The Drift blog, social media and marketing.
MRS Biologist Hired
Zach Kjos was named Missouri River System biologist for the Game and Fish Department in Riverdale earlier this winter.
Kjos was working as a fisheries development specialist for the agency in Bismarck prior to his move to Riverdale.
Migratory Game Bird Biologist Named
Jacob Hewitt was hired earlier this winter as a migratory game bird biologist for the Game and Fish Department.
Hewitt completed his bachelor’s degree in wildlife ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and earned his master’s degree at SUNY-Brockport in New York.